Launch Program When A USB Device Is Connected, Such as an iPod

  1. Posts : 84
    Windows 7 Professional

    Launch Program When A USB Device Is Connected, Such as an iPod

    Hello Everyone,

    I was wondering if it is possible to assign a specific program to launch automatically when a specific USB device is connected to your PC? Like how iTunes opens up automatically when an iPod is connected to your computer.
    I don't think the "Autoplay" feature in Windows 7 has this capability, but it does recognize when a USB device is connected.

    There are a few ideas I am thinking of how to use this, but I will give two quick examples to keep it short.
    Also I would Ideally like to be able to perform these tasks without having to install some kind of third party program if possible.

    1.) Connect iPod and have it automatically load a program other than iTunes, for example Winamp or any other iTunes alternative programs.

    2.) Connect USB thumb drive or USB external HD and it launches some kind of backup software.

    Thank You For Any Help Offered.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 708
    Windows 7 x64

    iPod required iTunes to be installed.

    Windows do have.
    If inserted, it give you several option to open the USB drive &or HDD &or Optical drive.

    For point 2, if the USB do have certain software to run upon insert, it is available as option.

    Hence you cannot compared between iPod and Windows, as iPod will open iTunes, as a condition.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 9
    Windows 7 Professional x64

    I don't know about more recent iPods, but I have one from 2006 that I use daily that I do not use with iTunes. Because I hate iTunes. I use a different app to manage my music library. One that doesn't erase your music and alter your files without asking.

    As for your query, you can try this thread and then look up how to create an autoexec file.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 84
    Windows 7 Professional
    Thread Starter

    Hey Guys, thank you for your responses

    Yeah I have an older iPod Classic, wish there was a way to turn off album art place holders, but I still love it, I wish they still made them, or at least sold the rights to another company to keep producing them and update the GUI a little bit more. I always thought they were going to make an large SSD version but then the iPod Touch came along. To me if it doesn't have a click wheel, then it ain't no iPod.

    I have attempted to apply the regedit from the link you posted but was not successful, the AutoPlay popup for some reason still pops up. I have started another post about my AutoPlay issues here, because I had quite a few. It can be found here...

    I unfortunately do not know how to create an autoexec file at the moment, I looked it up a little but I will have to do some more research, I got sidetracked with the first step of dealing with AutoPlay.

    Thanks Again
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 84
    Windows 7 Professional
    Thread Starter

    I couldn't really get AutoPlay to work correctly for me so I just decided to disable it.
    Does anyone know if creating an autoexec file would work for what I am trying to do?
    Would I need a ton of programming knowledge to create one for what I am trying to accomplish?
    I haven't come across any applications or scripts by others that tried to perform this task in the past, odd that I am the only one looking for something like this.
    It isn't a huge deal in having to open up a program manually but that iTunes feature has spoiled me.

    Thank You
      My Computer


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