All Volumes are Simple Volumes
Recently I had an idea of installing clean W10 and then Ubuntu with GRUB to dual boot them.
The thing is I have all things back-upped on the outer hard drive and I don't need anything to remain. So what I intended to do was booting W10 installation and just delete all partitions, making one for System and for Windows then divide it for some additional logical drive for additional data after installation and rest of space leave unallocated for Ubuntu.
Today I first time saw that all my volumes are Simple volumes...
HP_RECOVERY, HP_TOOLS, New Volume (D:), SYSTEM, Windows (C:)
So my question is that if I can delete these volumes during W10 installation like normal partitions or not?
If not, what I am supposed to do?
I don't need HP_Recovery, HP_Tools. I wanted to create clean system.