Can't delete printer

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows Home Premikum7 64 bit

    Can't delete printer

    I had problems with my Epson X-322 printer.

    I have now been able to sort the problem but when I open Start>Devices and Printers the X-322 is listed twice, one with a green tick which is now ok and the other with the exclamation mark Troubleshoot which I want to delete.

    When I right click on the one with the green tick, there is an option 'Remove Device' which I obviously do not want as it is now working! However, if I right click on the icon with the yellow exclamation mark there is no option to 'Remove Device', so how can I delete it? If it is not possible to delete, I can live with that!
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 7,394
    Windows 7 HP 64

    Go to Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Programs and Features and see if there is two printers. If there is, uninstall the problematic one.
    I'll will suggest you to uninstall all Epson X-322 printer, reboot and reinstall it with an updated software.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 1,074
    Windows 7 Profession 64-bit

    Rambler2978 said:
    ...the X-322 is listed twice
    Do both have the exact same name? Do note that is a multifunction device. That means Windows may be seeing the second device listed as a fax machine and/or scanner and that is not uncommon.

    What you may need to do is disconnect the printer from your computer (or network) then uninstall the drivers and uninstall all the software associated with the device. Reboot, then install the printer again.

    Is that really an Epson X-322, or could it be XP-322? If really XP-322, the drivers can be found here.

    Note I never, as in NEVER EVER install the printer software that comes with these devices. I always head out to the device's web page and download and install the driver only. Printer maker want us to install their full suites of software with these devices but that software tends to be very intrusive resource hogs containing several features rarely needed. For most of these device that are network ready, you can just use your browser to log into the device and from there you can scan and fax and check printer/ink status without any special software.

    Megahertz07 said:
    Go to Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Programs and Features and see if there is two printers. If there is, uninstall the problematic one.
    ??? Ummm, that is exactly where he said he sees both and he cannot delete it.
      My Computer


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