Unbearably loud disk never stops reading.

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 64 bit

    Unbearably loud disk never stops reading.

    I'm pretty sure it's my SSD.
    Honestly it sounds like an HDD that's being read like crazy, but I disabled my HDD and the sound persisted, so I don't know.
    This has nothing to do excessive uptime of the PC.

    I thought it was the process "csrss.exe" which frequently sits at ~50k I/O Reads, but now I'm not sure anymore.
    This is mostly because opening ANY program makes it much worse, no matter what drive that program is on. If I open basically anything, like a small game, or any browser, the drive goes insane and the noise transcends from "insanely annoying" to "completely unbearable".

    Things I've tried that have failed spectacularly:
    1. Examined Resource Monitor: Noise is bad at ~70k total IO Reads where almost all of that is just csrss.exe; Chrome throws this and Write to 400k (not sure if that's high)
    2. Disabled Windows Defender
    3. Disabled my other disk (an HDD)
    4. Ran virus scans
    5. Error checked drives and attempted bad sector recovery (no issues)
    6. Closed all processes that I could, including all programs
    7. Disabled all automatic scans from anti-virus programs
    8. Turned off anti-virus programs completely
    9. Disabled indexing
    10. Tried running in Safe Mode
    11. Tried creating/using a different user account

    Basically doing ANYTHING causes whichever drive it is to go completely insane.

    I'm not sure how old they are. I just don't know what to do at this point.
    Let me know what hardware info is needed.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 9,746
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit sp1

    Hi john123, welcome to the Forum.

    Are you sure the sound is coming from the SSD, this would be most unusual as SSDs don't have any moving parts.

    What you describe sounds more like dry a cooling fan bearing & the symptoms you mention are also typical, as the CPU (Central Processing Unit) fan works faster when the computer is working hard on things like games & other data intense programs.

    Are you sufficiently capable to be able to remove the cover on the computer & check when it's running to see where the sound is coming from. You should be able to see the fan on the CPU & listen closely if the noise is coming from there.

    If the CPU fan is not the problem, look around for any other fans, as there can be one on the Graphics card as well & this one might be on underside & be hard to see. Also see if there are any other cooling fans within the case & check them as well.

    Also check for fan noise in the PSU (Power Supply Unit).

    Most of the fans are not repairable & if they are faulty they need to be replaced. If the PSU fan is noisy just replace the whole PSU, they are not that expensive.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 7,394
    Windows 7 HP 64

    John, I totally agree with Ranger. SSDs doesn't make any noise.
    Do you have any CD / DVD on the drive? They also make a lot of noise when reading.
    If not, it must be a fan. Even the PSU fan can be replaced with a similar one.
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 20,583
    Win-7-Pro64bit 7-H-Prem-64bit

    Hi and welcome to SevenForums,
    Use the link above my signature to Fill in your system spec's page :)

    How old is the machine.....
    Does it look like this on the inside :)
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 2
    Windows 64 bit
    Thread Starter

    ThrashZone said:
    Hi and welcome to SevenForums,
    Use the link above my signature to Fill in your system spec's page :)

    How old is the machine.....
    Does it look like this on the inside :)
    Luckily it does not

    Ranger got it. It was my top fan. Ordered a replacement already since it was cheap.
    I can't believe it never occurred to me to just check my fans. It's always something so trivial.

    Thanks guys. I can finally get this fixed.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 9,746
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit sp1

    You are welcome. I have had the same problem with a noisy fan. Thanks for getting back.

    Could mark this thread as solved, for the benefit of other users.
      My Computer


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