Logitech Webcam Software is Thrashing My Hard Drive

  1. Posts : 3,487
    Win 7 Pro x64/Win 10 Pro x64 dual boot

    Logitech Webcam Software is Thrashing My Hard Drive

    Not entirely sure that General Discussions is the place for this one. Please move it if necessary.

    I have a Logitech USB webcam that is currently not plugged in. I have it plugged in about once every three months. Looking in the Disk tab of Resources Monitor (because my HDD light is flashing once per second), I noticed that "CameraHelper.exe" was reading a little over 5 MB per second. Continuously. The program seems to be made by Logitech, because I disabled the startup Logitech Camera software and now CameraHelper.exe is not even listed in my disk activity. The computer is also using 500 MB less RAM than before.

    My questions are this: Do I absolutely need this program to run my camera? Do I need the autostart? The camera seems to run fine without it.

    Has anyone else noticed this problem with CameraHelper.exe? Why is it continuously reading from the disk? I'm just curious.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 7,394
    Windows 7 HP 64

    I would uninstall the camera related software.
    As long it has all the drives it needs (check on device manager) it will work on other programs like Skype etc.
    I do have a small and free camera software that works fine and does the job without any issues.
    Free Webcam Video Recorder
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 20,583
    Win-7-Pro64bit 7-H-Prem-64bit

    I haven't used a webcam since x-p and it was not compatible with Vista or 7 so I just never wasted anymore money on them after
    I have one on my little laptop but I never installed the driver and taped over the mic and cam because of all of the hacks to use it while never knowing it is being used FBI reported recently
    How to Disable Your Webcam (and Why You Should)
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 3,487
    Win 7 Pro x64/Win 10 Pro x64 dual boot
    Thread Starter

    Totally agree with disabling it. That's why I never have it plugged in unless I'm actually using it. I use it once every three months for a video conference, and that's it.

    Not getting much return on investment. lol
      My Computer


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