Mouse giving right-click context menus on left-clicks
I've only had this low-end optical mouse a few months after getting it to replace the well-beaten rollerball model that came standard with this system, which I've had since 2011, but now the danged thing is getting a problem that I've seen in lots of places with relatively few solutions: the right-click context menus showing up just often enough to annoy, not all the time, when something is left-clicked, and in some cases on double left-clicks.
I am right-handed, sorry to say, and not thrilled with, f'rinstance, trying to use the rodent 'lefty' after years of doing it the other way. Do the lower-price versions of these *really* give out after only a few months? I'll admit to using it day in and day out, and yet the original lasted all these years. I should also note that trying to open the thing with a screwdriver to clean it out is as of now impossible (my family has either sold or hidden most of our father's tools since his passing last year)
Or am I better off trying to find if fixing system files (even less of an easy task as their originals are in a 'recovery' partition, and I'm also not thrilled with doing a re-install) ?