can you mix 2 different ram sticks sizes? b500m MB

  1. Posts : 99
    win 7 pro 64

    can you mix 2 different ram sticks sizes? b500m MB

    so at the moment im running 2x16gb 3600 sticks in one pc. alls good. but im thinking about adding a 2nd pc. which means im considering buying 2x32gb 3600.

    so im thinking to put 1x16gb and 1x32gb in each pc. so each would have 48gb. possible?

    5900XT in one and 5600x in the other. both are b550m boards
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 776
    Windows 7 Professional SP1 64-bit

    It is generally recommended to install matching modules (same brand, same capacity, same speed, etc.) in order to avoid incompatibility issues.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 99
    win 7 pro 64
    Thread Starter

    that doesnt say much. its recommended many things , doesnt mean things arent still able to be done.

    my friend told me he used 3 sticks of ram in his older intel mb. and 2 were 1 size and the other was a different size. so its recommended to use 1 2 or 4 sticks, he has run 3 sticks.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 7,218
    W7 home premium 32bit/W7HP 64bit/w10 tp insider ring

    i think its more of a marketing stratagy, never had a problem mixing different brands

    The major difference's
    "run speeds" but as your buying 3600's shoudn't make much difference
    (if you bought 3200's then the 3600's would run at 3200 as well)
    and Voltage MUST be the same

    check the boards specs for slot set-up, ie slot 1 highest ram etc

    see that board is W10, if your putting 7 on the new one your gonna have to make a few changes to the Bios and the install Iso
      My Computer


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