Laptop dvd issue

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  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 7 32bit

    DVD Problem with the yellow exclamation mark fixed

    I tried everything that was posted here as well. Deleting the device downloading new drivers and the whole thing , nothing worked. But the last post did work.

    If you run into this issue do the following to get you fixed:


    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class and select the {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}

    Back up the location above and delete the 'upper filters' and 'lower filters' entries.

    Go back to device manager and reinstall the devices. This time no error.

    Last edited by Brink; 21 May 2012 at 23:21. Reason: Removed promotional link
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2

    Help I have a Toshiba Satellite M300 64 bit it was vista a clean copy of windows7 was put on this it was working great i tryed backing it up didn't work..

    get this error windows cannot start this hardware device because information (in the registry)is incomplete or damaged (code19) i tried uninstalling then re installing i tried lots of different things but still that driver keeps installing it works for a bit the it has a exclamation mark also when i go into my computer i do not see d: drive and i i did that chrisbraley Back up the location above and delete the 'upper filters' and 'lower filters' entries. i didn't see no 'upper filters' and 'lower filters' entries. on the right side.
    Last edited by ann00; 29 Nov 2013 at 22:55. Reason: chatting to last who posted
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2

    Hello i have same issues as mvnsnd i have a Toshiba m300 I went into the registry and looked for the 'upper filters' and 'lower filters' but there was nothing there and when i uninstall driver in device manger DVD works for a bit then driver installs then it stops working. oh i tried the troubleshooter also tried restoring and same thing a lot of dates were deleted in system restore. So any other suggestions would be great.
      My Computer

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