HD doesn't show up

  1. Posts : 7
    Windows Vista Ultimate x64

    HD doesn't show up

    Hello everyone,

    I just installed W7 and everything so far seems to be working fine but for some reason I can't access my second HD. I have my main; a 250gb SATA divided into 2 partitions, 1 for Vista and the other for Windows 7. The second drive is a 160gb ATA (PATA) drive and it doesn't even show up at all in My Computer. Anyone have any suggestions? When I boot into Vista it shows up, but not under W7. I really need to have access to it since it's where I store all my program installation files and music.

    Thanks in advance
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 4,364
    Windows 11 21H2 Current build

    Can you post a snippet of Disk Management? I have a theory....
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 7
    Windows Vista Ultimate x64
    Thread Starter

    Wow, I can't believe it. I figured it out myself. I ended up going into Disk Management and I seen that it was listed in there but when I right clicked it, it wouldn't let me Open or Explore it. Then I happened to notice that it didn't have a drive letter assigned to it. I assigned it drive letter M: and then I went into My Computer and *BAM* it was there. Sorry to have posted this thread and then turn around and figure it out so quickly but at least it will be here to maybe help out the next guy.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 4,364
    Windows 11 21H2 Current build

    That was my supposition.

    W7 did not assign a drive letter to my Vista partition, and I assumed it had done the same thing for you for your second drive for whatever reason....
      My Computer


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