try F2 key before start up to boot from dvd...shouldnt have to go into bios to change temp boot order
try F2 key before start up to boot from dvd...shouldnt have to go into bios to change temp boot order
If it says at bootup that F12 is your BIOS Boot menu, then repeatedly and firmly tap that key to boot the DVD.
Otherwise follow these steps: How to Boot your Computer from a Bootable CD or DVD
SUCCESS!!!! it was F12 afterall. after i completed the reformat and did the clean windows 7 install, THEN i saw the post about F12. oh well. thank you all for your help in this. each one of you helped me go in the right direction. Thanks again!
i still don't know what the heck BIOS is. what does it stand for anyway?
Hello again maacu.
Glad you got it sorted, thanks for the update; if you have other questions feel free to ask.