ISO bootdisk for WIN7 install disk
This learning curve is having a larger radius by the day. I'm attempting to copy my Win 7 download copy to a bootable DVD. The Ms file is called DLMWin7Pro32Caen.exe, which I have a copy on one of my HDs. I have to do a clean install and I'm double booting Vista Ultimate and Win 7 Pro.
MS says ""you may choose to download an Executable file to start your upgrade immediately or an ISO image, which you can burn to DVD and create your own bootable media. You may choose to download either or both.
" Do I just copy DLMWin7Pro32Caen.exe to a DVD and it will set itself up as a bootable version of Win 7 or do I need to use an ISO burner.
ISO Burner "BurnCDCC" is only good for CD's, I don't have any, all I have OH is DVDs. Is there a free DVD ISO burner? At this point I don't know if I even need one.Please advise. Thank You.