Windows Seven on Asus eee?

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  1. Posts : 49
    Windows 7 7100 RC 1, Windows Vista 64, Windows XP, MAC OS X 10.5.5

    I don't have the Asus eee, but the Lenovo s10e which is more or less the same thing as they are both build according to the Intel Atom Netbook standards. I've been running Windows 7 on my Lenovo since build 6801 first came out, running with all the eye candy turned on. No problems what so ever, in fact I have to say that it feels a wee bit snappier than when i ran it with Windows XP
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 104
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit

    I've seen it work well on an Asus Eee PC 1000h, so I'd go for one of them.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 178
    Windows 7 Beta 1 b7000

    Running fine on my new 1000H here. Had to do some hunting for drivers and the like, but after a few hours of that, I've got it all running the way it came with XP (meaning all of the Fn keys, power modes, and whatnot work).

    The better power management of seven really shows with this. With XP I was getting about 4.5 to 5 hours, now with seven I'm up to 6, 7 if I dim the screen all the way and turn wifi off.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 6
    Windows 7

    Hi renthor

    Have you tried with the new RC1 build 7100 on your Eee 1000H? On mine all installed fine except I cant get wireless drivers to work :-(

    Any ideas?
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 620

    Install the drivers from asus website for XP. They'll get you up and running.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 6
    Windows 7

    I installed the XP drivers but nothing happened, strange.

    But then I figured out what the issue was - I needed to update my BIOS to the latest Vista compatible version, which turns on the Wireless nic & BlueTooth devices by default.

    As soon as I did that and rebooted, Vista detected the wireless nic & installed drivers (and for a few other bits as well), and all is now working.

      My Computer

  7. Posts : 4,755
    Thread Starter

    Been a while, but heres my report:

    Of some wierd reason the computer was split up in 3 partions when i got it. 1 with 2-3 gb one with about 68 and one with 80...Wierd :s Anyway i went into xp on it (Which was pre-installed), and discovered that the one partion with 80 gigs was empty, so i just installed it from my desktop in xp to the 80 gig. partion. Installation went smooth and windows booted almost normal. The only thing about it was that i was the old vista boot screen instead of the new flashy one (Anyone knows how to fix this?). It installed the necessary drivers (even the bluetooth, which i didnt expect it would find by it self.). The only thing i had to download drivers for (drivers downloaded from asus website) was for the "super hybrid engine" and the quick launch buttons over the keyboard. But overall a succes!

    - Sergio
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 620

    The eee pcs come with three/4 partitions. 1) OS 2)"empty" 60 gig 3) recovery 4)quick boot enhancer.

    You can erase them if you'd like, the recovery partition is to reinstall default XP(you can find this on the dvd though), fourth one is to boot up faster.

    The reason you get the "old" vista screen is because of the 1024x600 res, MS dictates those screens to get "simpler" boot up screens. I believe you can hack it back in.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 4,755
    Thread Starter

    I hope you can get the old boot screen back, the vista look-a-like is veeeeery boring
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 3
    Windows 7 Build 7057 X86 & X64

    I'll keep this topic going then...
    I am running 7 on an Eee PC 901 at this very moment, and I have to say that it runs like a charm. I find it as fast as XP concerning the boot time, and faster when it comes to sleep mode ! Office 2007 stars really fast (outlook in only 2 seconds !!!)
    I found the ACPI drivers on the web, and the integrated 3G connectivity is working perfectly.

    Two major thing are to be taken into account when installing 7 on this netbook :
    - The disk space issue (2 8GB SSD drives) : the installe of Windows 7 takes almost 10 Gigs, with 7GB on the 1st drive and 3 on the 2d. This means that I cannot install any of the big Office Updates, such as SP1 and SP2.

    - If you have already upgraded your BIOS : on startup, the screen will be black on startup. I found after a few reboots that I just had to close the lid of the netbook and wake it up ; then I could enjoy this great OS without additional problems.
      My Computer

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