Sysprep not working???

  1. Posts : 3
    Windows7 x86

    Sysprep not working???

    I am having a tricky time trying to use sysprep.
    I have read documentation that says to put the pc in audit mode first then install all of your software and run it again and I have read to run the sysprep only at the very end of your build?

    I am have tried it both ways with the same error: "Windows could not complete the installation. To install Windows on this computer, restart the installation." And underneath this popup it says, " Setup is preparing your computer for the first use"

    When I install any MS software then reboot is when this happens or when I join to a domain. I can install 3rd party software with multiple reboots with no problems?

    I join it to a domain to install all the software necessary then take it back off.

    I am running windows 7 x86 enterprise
    Lenovo T410s laptop
    2gb ram

    Please advise.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,426
    7 Pro

    sysprep should be ran last (right before booting into an Imaging software). I am not familiar with "Audit" mode - But there are different versions of sysprep (I assume you're using a compatible version with your OS?)

    Mind pasting your .inf file to the forum?
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 3
    Windows7 x86
    Thread Starter

    sure. which .inf file are you referring to?

    When I run sysprep at the end I receive the same error as stated above?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 280
    Windows 7 Professional 64 bit

    Sysprep uses an XML file under Windows 7. (Vista too if I'm not mistaken) XP uses the inf file.

    What he's asking for is your "sysprep.inf" or "sysprep.xml" file.

    Correction: "unattend.xml" my bad.

    Actually sysprep lets you call it by name so you can name it pretty much anything.
    Last edited by pricetech; 28 Dec 2010 at 18:13. Reason: typo and correction
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 3
    Windows7 x86
    Thread Starter

    Are you referring to the unattend.xml file?
    because I did a search for the sysprep.xml and couldn't find it?

    I install all of my programs then I run sysprep in audit mode with an unattend.xml file.

    What is the difference between audit mode and oobe?
    Does oobe also strip away the SIDs and make it user ready?
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 17,545
    Windows 10 Pro x64 EN-GB

    Do you remember to select Generalize when you are done in Audit mode? That option must be selected if you want to deploy the image you made to multiple computers.


    Sysprep not working???-sysprep.png
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 280
    Windows 7 Professional 64 bit

    blueeagle49 said:
    Are you referring to the unattend.xml file?
    I am indeed. Mine are named differently, so I recalled incorrectly what the default filename was.

    My bad. Sorry for any confusion.
      My Computer


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