Recovery Partition

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  1. Posts : 16,503
    7 X64

    Yes, It's worth setting the recov partition active - often you can boot straight into the recov program and run it from there.

    If not, it should be possible to restore by accessing the .wim file ( often oem's use split wims ).
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 4
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit
    Thread Starter

    Thanks for all responses guys. Heres a picture of my disk management - PicFront - Clipboard01.jpg
    I only formatted the OS partition when i reinstalled windows, i left the recovery and oem partition as they were.

    When i switch my computer on, the Dell splash screen comes up. It has an F2 option to go to Bios, a F12 option to go to boot options. I've already tryed F8, it takes me to windows recovery with these options
    These options are available:
    Startup Repair
    System Restore
    System Image Recovery
    Windows Memory Diagnostic
    Command Prompt

    The Dell restore option isn't there. I've tryed pressing Ctrl + F11 and F11 on it own at bootup, nothing happens, it just contines on starting windows.
      My Computer

  3.    #13

    Older Dells use Cntrl F11.

    What appears to have happened is that installing Win7 placed the boot files on Recov partition since it was marked Active, but replaced WinRE on F8 with Win7's own Advanced Boot Tools menu from System 32 folder so there is no longer the hotlink added to the Vista F8 boot tools menu to run Recovery partition.

    There is a possibility that EasyBCD might see the Recov partition if you install it to Win7. Try to add it on the

    Which leaves:

    1) ordering or locating the Dell Recovery Disks for your model,

    2) mounting the .wim: EasyBCD 2.01 has a WinPE tab on Add New OS which allows you to browse for .wim and mount it,

    3) attempt to run Recov partition using Hirens boot disk's ability to boot a bootable partition as Michael suggests - and Recov is already marked System active so should be bootable, or

    3) locate a Vista Installation DVD to clean reinstall without the factory bloatware with the Product Key on your COA sticker.
    Last edited by gregrocker; 30 Dec 2010 at 18:19.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 27,029
    Windows 11 Pro

    You guys are the experts, but If he assigns a letter to the recovery partition he will be able to open it won't he? I've done that with my dell. You just have to remember to remove the drive letter when finished.
      My Computer

  5. mjf
    Posts : 5,969
    Windows 7x64 Home Premium SP1

    I don't recall anyone saying you need to assign a letter to the recovery partition.
    In order for the partition to be directly booted it needs a boot sector, bootmgr etc.
    The 2 ways of booting it are:
    (1) Normal boot process via the MBR which looks for an active partition to boot. So the partition must be made active. Normally it's not since you can only have one active partition on the disk and it's your system partition.
    (2) Boot directly into the partition whether it's marked active or not. Hirens boot CD uses a grub4dos boot manager which enables you to boot directly into it.

    All assigning a letter will do is let you have a poke inside. Of course do it with caution.
      My Computer

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