Hello DeltaWar. I have the exact same problem.
I got my computer 3 weeks ago. 1 ssd disk as boot disk and one regular harddrive for media files such as pictures, etc.
Everything worked fine untill I moved all my photos to the bulk disk from my old computer. I used a flash memory and an external usb harddrive to move the files, and after that I have the same problem as you do.
On boot, it claims that I have no hard drive, check your cables yada yada. I press ctrl+alt+del and enter the bios. Go too boot order, harddrives, change place between ssd and the bulk disk and it works. Reset, and it works. Turn off the computer and wait a few hours and same problem as before. It changed back the setings in my BIOS and fail to load. I'm 50% sure it's not a soft ware problem, because then it should give the same problem when I restart the computer and im 90% sure it's not a battery problem on my motherboard. The clock is still working and all the other things I change stay the way I changed them.
Only thing I can think of is that it fails to detect the ssd drive as I turn it on the first time. The 2:nd time it actually tends to notice the ssd drive, but by then it has changed the boot order in the BIOS back again. I'm not a computer wiz, so I don't know if/how that could change.
I'll check back regularly to update with more information if needed.
Last edited by Peter Dalgaard; 12 Jan 2011 at 09:33.