Installing a new ssd

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  1. Posts : 36
    windows 7 ultimate 32bit
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    Ok, project completed. I re-formatted my drive and restored as above. Everything went well and I now have only the data files I want.

    However (There's always a however)...I still have startup problems. I went to msconfig and set it for a normal startup. Upon restart, there's still that second startup sequence. Since I dumped everything off my data drive, it's got to be something on the C boot drive. Help!!! I'm frustrated. I've attached a snip on msconfig. Can all you experts shed some light????
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Installing a new ssd-capture.jpg  
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  2.    #32

    Disk Management looks correct. Once System Active partition was changed to Disk 1 the only thing that can be left is a ghost listing. You can highlight and Delete the second listing here in msconfig:
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  3. Posts : 36
    windows 7 ultimate 32bit
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    I did as you suggested and deleted the "ghost listing" and everything works well. Just what is a "ghost listing". Other than a new install, is there any way to get rid of it. Any which drive is it on? I can live with it, I'm just curious as to where it is and how it got there.

    Will I have the same problem when I transfer everything to my new ssd?
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  4.    #34

    It isn't a file or anything other than just the written listing which sometimes needs to be deleted on the msconfig boot screen.

    If it were any more it would appear on EasyBCD listings and can be removed in its entirety on it's Edit Boot Menu tab. But you're good now.
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  5. Posts : 36
    windows 7 ultimate 32bit
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    Used EasyBCD and removed it. However, on startup it still makes me select "Windows 7" even though it's the only option. How do I get it to just boot up.
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  6.    #36

    Try setting Timeout to 00 in msconfig>boot
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  7. whs
    Posts : 26,210
    Vista, Windows7, Mint Mate, Zorin, Windows 8

    How about fixing the MBR again. You could try the easy way with Partition Wizard - it is in the Disk Tab > Rebuild MBR.
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  8. Posts : 36
    windows 7 ultimate 32bit
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    Ok, physically have my new 128 GB SSD and ready to start the transfer process. After I install it, I plan to align it according to an earlier post. Then I'll copy my current C drive to it using Ghost or Macrium. I've got more questions.

    I'll be making the new ssd drive active, correct? Is there a problem having two active drives?

    My system will give the new drive a letter, let's say it's J. After the transfer, an OS and programs will be there, but they all should still recognize C drive as their "root". Can I then simply rename the current C drive to something else and make it inactive. Then rename the ssd to C. Then set the BIOS to boot from the ssd. And then finally wipe the old C drive, making it another data drive.

    What problems might I have?
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  9. whs
    Posts : 26,210
    Vista, Windows7, Mint Mate, Zorin, Windows 8

    Yes, you have to make the SSD active - also during the installation of the image. There is no problem with 2 active drives/partitions. But you have to tell the BIOS from which one to boot (first in booting sequence after CD/DVD reader). I would keep the old C: active until you are all set with the SSD and will delete it. - Just in case you may need it again.

    Do not rename any drives/partitions. It will automatically name the boot partition (now the SSD) as C: and your old C: will get another letter.

    When you are all set and happy with the new SSD setup, you can go into Disk Management and delete the old C: , that is the easiest way. The freespace you can either add to another partition or create a new partition.

    As a final step have a look in msconfig > Boot tab whether ther is still the old C: listed. If yes, delete it.
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  10. Posts : 36
    windows 7 ultimate 32bit
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    Thanks, again. I'll keep you posted.

    BTW, have you heard of Paragon's new Migrate OS to SSD program. Supposed to be a program that "does it all". $20 is not a bad price if it "does it all" seemlessly
    Last edited by garyh99; 09 Jan 2011 at 11:53. Reason: added more
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