Install issues: kernel missing or corrupt

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  1. Posts : 22,814
    W 7 64-bit Ultimate

    Here's a better way to clean the HDD, have a look at this tutorial at the link below; it does help in some situations; the method you used does nothing but a quick format and is just about worthless.

    You can boot it using the Windows installer, whether DVD or USB drive.

    SSD / HDD : Optimize for Windows Reinstallation

    DISKPART : At PC Startup
      My Computer

  2.    #22

    Not pointing fingers, just wondered when you say "I tried all that" how much you'd actually done and it turns out you haven't wiped your HD which is the most important step.

    Formatting is not the same as wiping your HD as formatting erases nothing, while wiping overwrites all remaining code (including infected, corrupt and boot sector) with zeroes.

    Now how many of the other suggested steps have actually been completed, including the dozen steps in the final link I posted:

    gregrocker said:
    Unplug all periperhals and other HD's during install.

    Make sure you have the latest BIOS version update. If so, reset the CMOS: Clear CMOS - 3 Ways to Clear the CMOS - Reset BIOS

    If you have SATA HD, set controller to AHCI first, then IDE if necessary. Next test the HD using maker's diag/repair CD scan: HD Diagnostic followed by

    Now wipe the HD of all corruption, infection or bad boot sector code:

    Other tips for getting a purrfect install:
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 11
    Windows 7 Ultimate 32
    Thread Starter

    Hi again,

    I did the BIOS reset.

    How do I know I have a SATA-drive? (sorry for my lack of pc-knowledge)

    I tried "wiping" the HD and tried to reinstall Windows again but I still get the same error..
      My Computer

  4.    #24

    Go through the BIOS setup screens carefully until you find where the HD is registered. Look for SATA controller setting which should have choices like IDE, ATA, AHCI, etc. Set it to AHCI to try install. If this fails try IDE mode.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 11,408

    thenass said:
    hi again,

    i did the bios reset.

    How do i know i have a sata-drive? (sorry for my lack of pc-knowledge)

    i tried "wiping" the hd and tried to reinstall windows again but i still get the same error..
    Install issues: kernel missing or corrupt-capture1.jpg

    Install issues: kernel missing or corrupt-capture2.jpg
      My Computer

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