Another fork in the road

  1. Posts : 14
    Windows 7 Professional 64 bit (upload)

    Another fork in the road

    I have stumbled upon another issue along my quest to get my pc back to normal after evil Linux sent forth a hostile takeover.

    So basically I have windows 7 professional x64 (update edition used Vista business x64) and now I have another issue. From what I have seen this issue has happened to quite a few people and it involves net.frameworks.

    Certain programs won't install and after disabling the net.framework 3.5.1 feature off to try and resolve the issue (Yeah I know) I have been following a train of errors such as 1930 and then when I tried to enable net.framework again I got another error. So I decided perhaps installing net.framework 4 will resolve my problem.

    So I thought "Hey, I will just go back in time and stop myself from doing this using the restore feature". Of course this didn't prevail as when I try to restore I get a promising error saying "Windows has detected file system corruption on your local hard disk (C:). You must check the disk for errors before it can be restored".

    So naturally like anyone else would I clicked "Check disk for errors" after all when presented with a solution I don't know who wouldn't try it. After choosing whether or not to "Scan for or attempt recovery of bad sectors", (In the end I ticked it) So I press start and apparently "Windows can't check the disk whist it's in use", I scheduled a disk check which I hope comes up when I restart.

    Any suggestions on how to resolve this issue or avoid damaging my precious computer further/again will be greatly appreciated.

    P.S I know this is like my third thread within the past two days but what can I say. I have a habit of making things a lot harder by trying to fix them myself.

    Thank you in advance anyone who wants to help. I don't have anything to give you, but I'm sure my appreciation will be enough to get you by.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 14,606
    Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit 7600

    Post as often as you like ,the members here are only glad to help where they can and welcome the challenge ,that said im sorry but its not my field , good luck!
      My Computer

  3. Ell
    Posts : 3
    Windows 7 Professional x64 6.1.7601 (SP1-RTM)

    Hi, the best I can recommend is what I do when I've 'tinkered' too much with settings, which is to backup the data you need from your C: and then completely restore the system to day one either using your vista disc (if you have one) or the built in OEM restore, once again if you have it. This should basically put you back at square one, but with the knowledge of what not to do.
    Other than this I don't really know what to say, I'm not the sort of person who creates an error and then tries to put a "fix" in place. I prefer to wipe to blank and start over knowing there is nothing wrong and then I can back-track from there.
    Good luck however you resolve it!
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 11,408

    Cory92 said:
    I have stumbled upon another issue along my quest to get my pc back to normal after evil Linux sent forth a hostile takeover.
    All Linux code must be deleted.As you have had linux on the HD you need do a Clean all & full format.

    Disk - Clean and Clean All with Diskpart Command
    Partition or Volume - Delete
    Partition or Volume - Create New
    Partition - Mark as Active

    Try a full clean & full format in command prompt.
    1) Boot DVD & Press Shift+F10 (for command prompt)
    2) Boot DVD, & Command Prompt at Startup
    (for command prompt)

    Type in command line
    SELECT DISK # (win HD)

    SSD / HDD : Optimize for Windows Reinstallation
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 237
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    Yes. I would recommend the same thing. If you are that deep into it. I would just recover back to factory settings. If you have your recovery disks. Then I would just run it from them. Put the first one in and Restart your computer. It will boot from the disk. You can completely recover your computer as if you just took it out of the factory. If you know your key you used when you updated from vista to windows 7 keep that key. Write it down or save it to a USB or what ever. Then after you do the recovery just go and do the update again. The key you have from your last update should work just fine on that computer. As long as you use it on the same computer.
      My Computer

  6.    #6

    Tips for getting a purrfect reinstall: re-install windows 7

    Win7 troubleshooting fundamentals; Computer lags every couple seconds
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 14
    Windows 7 Professional 64 bit (upload)
    Thread Starter

    I did the scan and fix, it didn't resolve my issue so I decided to just reformat using the windows 7 update disk. Yep back to square one all sorted no issues. Thank you Boobah Ell Theog Chiumiento and Gregrocker for the quick reply. nice one :). xx
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 11,408

    That is good news, you are welcome.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 237
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    I could use some rep if I helped fix the problem I know do not say anything to me. I just really want some rep.
      My Computer


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