Windows Boot Manager issue - accidentally installed 2 OS's

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  1. Posts : 46
    Windows 7 Professional 64 bit

    Windows Boot Manager issue - accidentally installed 2 OS's

    First - I'm no computer whiz, which is why I am posting here - hoping you gurus can guide me through a fix via 'baby-steps.'

    Ok... I put a new hard drive in a Dell Precision Workstation 390. It apparently had some sort of Raid ADHD (probably have those initials messed up... but it kind of describes the way I'm feeling )

    It has two hard drives.

    The new hard drive is the OS/Boot drive. It was a 1tb drive, so I thought I might experiment and partition it down into two smaller drives - thinking that the bootable portion might boot faster if the drive was smaller, plus - thinking the other drive could act as an additional storage drive that wouldn't bog down the Boot Drive Partition. Is that thinking flawed?

    Anyway... I tried putting XP back on and I kept getting this error saying that 'Cannot find a drive'..... something to that effect.

    So, I got into the Bios... and changed the type of Raid to a different one... and eventually it seemed that it might work... XP installed, but everything was jack-screwed in that the video drivers weren't there, etc, etc.

    So, I thought, I'm going to stick in my Windows 7 upgrade (which I was saving for another computer) and see if I can just boot off that disk, wipe off the other OS and maybe the newer Windows 7 would work.

    Well.... it DID work!

    Only problem is, I discovered that now I get the Windows Boot Manager everytime I boot the computer and it wants me to decide between "Windows 7 or a Previous Installation." I select 'Windows 7' and it boots just fine... but this doesn't seem right to me and I want to get rid of the Boot Manager and just have Windows 7 boot up.

    I dug around a bit and discovered I SOMEHOW (slap to the forehead) installed Windows XP onto the 2nd partitioned portion of my new drive.

    I went to that drive letter and 'deleted' the 'windows' folder.

    But I still get the Windows Boot Manager popping up upon startup.

    Can you tell me, in very detailed steps an ignorant person like me can understand, how to get this fixed?

    I also see in my Bios Settup 'BOOT SEQUENCE' that both my hard drives are listed under the CD Rom drive as 'Add-in Hard Drive' ........and then to the right of each of those it says, [Not present].

    What does that mean????

    The computer seems to boot and run fine, but shouldn't the drives be listed by the Drive Manufacturer's name and capacity???

    Thanks for your help.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 81
    win7 home premium-64bit-SP1-IE9RTM

    You mentioned that you did a change for your bios. Did you restore those changes?
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 46
    Windows 7 Professional 64 bit
    Thread Starter

    Hi John -

    Yes, I restored the 'SATA Operation' from Raid Autodetect ATA, back to it's original configuration of Raid Autodetect AHCI (original manufacturer/Dell setting.)
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 7,730
    Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 64-Bit

    I'm no expert in RAID setups, but I'd first be inclined to go into the BIOS and reset it to the default settings.

    Excellent tutorial on dual booting: Dual Boot Installation with Windows 7 and XP

    If you don't intend to dual boot then you can repair Win 7's boot record here:
      My Computer

  5.    #5

    You shouldn't delete the WIndows folder to delete an OS, instead format or delete the partition and create it again.

    If you have XP on the HD, chances are the WIn7 boot files have been written to the XP partition and will have to be recovered into Win7 before it will boot on its own.

    Post back a screenshot of your full Disk Mgmt drive map with listings, using SNipping TOol in Start menu, and we will advise you the steps to remove XP and it's boot listing.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 11,408

    Make sure you reset BIOS back to DEFAULT.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 46
    Windows 7 Professional 64 bit
    Thread Starter

    Seavixen32 - I just went through the link you provided for repairing the 'Boot Manager'.... however, the link's instructions didn't provide information for the last line that appeared in the command prompt after I typed in all the instructions:

    The command prompt message asked me this: Add installation to boot disk? Yes (Y), No (N), or All (A).

    How do I answer this question???? Thanks.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 7,730
    Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 64-Bit

    Toddsta said:
    Seavixen32 - I just went through the link you provided for repairing the 'Boot Manager'.... however, the link's instructions didn't provide information for the last line that appeared in the command prompt after I typed in all the instructions:

    The command prompt message asked me this: Add installation to boot disk? Yes (Y), No (N), or All (A).

    How do I answer this question???? Thanks.
    Answer Yes to update the master boot record and you should be good to go.

    Have you also reset the BIOS as advised?
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 46
    Windows 7 Professional 64 bit
    Thread Starter

    I had set the Bios back to it's default prior after I initially loaded the Windows 7.... with the 'Raid' set back to it's default.... if that is what you mean.

    I just answered 'YES' to the command prompt per your instructions and it now boots PERFECTLY - with no more Windows Boot Manager screen popping up! Yes !!!!!!!!

    Thanks a ton Sea ! The link worked and solved my issue.

    Have an excellent day!! :)
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 46
    Windows 7 Professional 64 bit
    Thread Starter

    here is a screenshot of my Disk Management.... you can see that my partition is labeled C and E.... I suspect this is because I had my current D drive plugged in when I installed Windows 7. Any way to re-assign drive letters so that the current E becomes the D, and the D becomes the E?

    Also - note the message to the right of my C drive.... any concerns there??? Thanks.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Windows Boot Manager issue - accidentally installed 2 OS's-disk-management.jpg  
      My Computer

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