Same HD - New computer swap - Help?

  1. Posts : 231
    Windows 7

    Same HD - New computer swap - Help?

    I have a replacement, duplicate, model laptop and will be moving a HD from a damaged machine to the replacement. The Win 7 OS on the HD was upgraded online while in the original old machine from Win Home Prem OA to Win 7 Professional. Will I have issues with the OS ofter moving the HD to the replacement Laptop?
      My Computer

  2.    #2

    Win7 should start up on identical hardware, but if not you can SysPrep it on the old hardware to factilitate moving HD or it's image: SysPrep to move HD to another computer

    If you don't have access to the old hardware to do this, you can use Paragon Adaptive Restore boot CD to adapt Win7 HD or it's image to start on new hardware.

    You'll likely need to reactivate with the Pro Product Key, although depending upon the type of Upgrade you did it may require phone activation with a MS agent.

    Hopefully you made your Pro Upgrade DVD as it may be needed in the future, including for Repairs. If not, go back to the download link to download and burn it to DVD now. Windows 7 USB-DVD Download Tool

    If you used Anytime Upgrade it may if required reactivate with that key. If not run Anytime again on the new preinstalled Win7 - Anytime can migrate like any retail Win7. If you have saved a backup image of the original lesser Win7 version installation, it could be imaged over to the new machine and activated to run the Anytime Upgrade upon.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 231
    Windows 7
    Thread Starter

    Everything seems to be working ok without doing anything....would it be wise to do anything at this point to move the key to work with the new hardware?
      My Computer

  4.    #4

    Is it holding its activation? Check at Computer>Properties activation link.

    It's entirely possible the same hardware won't trigger reactivation since it has little or nothing to change in the hardware signature recorded in MS activation servers.

    Was this an Anytime Upgrade?

    Store a Win7 backup image now so you never have to worry about doing a reinstall than Upgrade again. Backup Complete Computer - Create an Image Backup
      My Computer


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