Nice video, Greg.
a problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.
if this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. if this screen appears again, follow these steps:
check for viruses on your computer. remove any newly installed hard drive or hard drive controller. check your hard drive to make sure it is properly configured and terminated.
run chkdsk/f to check for hard drive corruption, and then restar your computer.
technical information:
***stop:0x00000078B (0xF78D2524,0xC0000034,0x00000000,0x000000)
this is appeared so many time![]()
You are attempting to install XP but there are not SATA drivers in the XP CD. In order to proceed you must provide the SATA drivers for your model Toshiba at the F6 prompt when the files are loading from XP CD: SATA Drivers - Load in Windows XP Setup on Dual Boot
If you are unable to do this, you need to slipstream the drivers into the XP CD: SATA Drivers - Slipstream into Windows XP CD
This is too much trouble. Try installing Win7 to see what happens now. If you receive the same error message as before, look in BIOS setup to see what drive listings are there for HD.
THen check the SATA controller to see what it's setting is in BIOS. Report back.
thank you very much,
how silly i am now window is set up win xp for me.
i do not know how to thank you
this laptop make me suffer for this few months.
thank you . this is a great website that i have not found till now![]()
This is the key piece of information :
Now we see that - the answer is obvious.***stop:0x00000078B (0xF78D2524,0xC0000034,0x00000000,0x000000)
this is appeared so many time
Happy to hear everything is working well for you now![]()
one more question,
can i do anything with my old hdd
is anyway to fix it?
Did you insert the SATA drivers or slipstream them to get XP to install?
To attempt to repair, plug the old HD back in to run the HD maker's diagnostics/repair CD extended scan on it.
Look on the HD to see who the maker is - you may have to Google the serial to find out if it doesn't say the maker plainly on it. Example: WD = Western Digital.
Now find the HD maker's diagnostics/repair CD scan here to download the ISO and burn to CD:
HD Diagnostic
Hard Drive Diagnostics Tools and Utilities (Storage) - TACKtech Corp
Boot the CD, run the extended scan to see if it sees the HD and can repair it.
Now you have your Notebook working with a OS.
Which OS would you like? (WinXP,Vista, or Windows 7)