Sounds like you may have a corrupt win7 install DVD. Where did you get it, or did you burn it from a download ?
Sounds like you may have a corrupt win7 install DVD. Where did you get it, or did you burn it from a download ?
Sounds like your system is loading the disc but is crashing once windows(on the install disc) starts to load. First thing I would try is a new disc, which it sounds like you've done already. I'm guessing you have another computer handy as you're posting here, if you boot the same disc to another computer, does the disc function properly and not crash/reboot like you're seeing on your new build?
If it works your DVD is probably fine and I'd suggest your issue is hardware related in some way.
Ted, I added the size parameter later (initially I forgot). Can you please add that in the quote
im almost positive its not the disc because i tried another disc as well and same problem but i do think your right about it crashing when windows install comes on
im just not sure what to do about it crashing
You might try creating a 4gb USB install stick
USB Windows 7 Installation Key Drive - Create
i just tryed using a xp disc to test and see if that worked and it poped right up to setup
Signs are starting to point to a bad burn/disc or possibly a bad/corrupt download of the .iso file. What is the source of your windows install disc/image? Does the Windows 7 disc you're having issues with work in another computer?
i think i used image burn. im going to try burning a copy with enterprise