Redirect Program Files to another drive

  1. Posts : 11
    Windows 7 Professional 64bit

    Redirect Program Files to another drive

    I have Win7 installed on an SSD and I'd like to keep the default program location on another drive with more room. I know how to redirect personal folders, but how do I redirect the Program Files and Program Files (x86) folders to a different drive. These folders already have some data in them; should that date be manually moved to the other drive or are they OK where they are?

    Actually, the real problem I'm having is browsing my computer as Administrator. My current account is an administrator type, but it seems that that is not the same as actually being logged on as the account Administrator. I'm sure if I was right clicking on the folders I want to redirect as Administrator, the Location tab would pop up just fine.
      My Computer

  2.    #2

    Frank -

    Remember that programs write keys to registry which integrate them into the OS, so it's best if possible to keep them on same partition as OS for imaging purposes.

    But if you're still short on space after linking User profile or folders to another HD, you can change the default program directory with this Regedit:

    Here's how to enable hidden Admin.. This is only for those who know what you're doing - and you know who you are: Enable the (Hidden) Administrator Account on Windows 7 or Vista - How-To Geek
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  3. Posts : 11,408
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