I just spent 8 hours putting my laptop back to factory settings. I had a problem with the administrator and password and apparently that was my only choice. I downloaded all the Windows updates. I now have one update left and I get an error code 063 which indicates a registry problem. How could I...
I want to restore my laptop back to it's factory settings. I know how to do this however I want to make sure I don't lose anything in the process.
I have the Operating System Recovery DVD which came with my laptop and I also have a Drivers, Manuals and Utilities DVD which came with the...
I went ahead and done a clean install of WIN7. I left the factory image in place. I also have the recovery discs from HP. I was just curious about it. I attached a picture and as you see with D. If I marked that as an active partition. Would it go through and recover? Not sure if it would since the...
I am planning to upgrade my windows 7 home premium 64 bits to windows 7 ultimate 64 bit. Here is my question. After upgrading to windows 7 ultimate, can i return my laptop back to it's factory state (windows 7 home premium 64 bits) with the recovery dvds i made after buying the laptop?