is it IDE or USB?
maif ur dvd rom has SATA cable or IDE cable
my guess is it's something like eSATA or USB. somehow I cannot see him connecting an IDE DVD drive to a laptop.
my bios : Gericom 755CI 1.0,BIOS: American Megatrends Inc. 1.04G 07/09
i dont know esata?
but not from USB.
i think its esata.
Now I see what you mean. The setup files are not on root of the drive. They are in a folder labeled Windows7
So you are absolutely right. Making D: active will not work unless he moved the files to D: first (and decompressed them)
Good catch! Sorry that I missed your point the first time.
Good thing it wouldn't allow him to set the partition active anyways, or his system would be hosed!
what should i now?
can't i update my bios?
i think it caused for stop booting.
can it possible?
how can i update?
one thing more , can i update BIOS: American Megatrends Inc. 1.04G 07/09 latest version, in which it shows everything and works correctly.
check your laptop manufacturer for bios updates
you could always just delete as much as you can from the C: drive and do a clean install. You won't be able to format but that's not mandatory.
Check the c:\windows\winsxs folder. I guarantee there is a bunch of files wasting space in there (although I wouldn't recommend deleting them under normal circumstances). You can also disable hibernation and pagefile to free up another couple of gigs..
Last edited by sup3rsprt; 24 Aug 2009 at 08:27.
yes I deleted my message because I was wrong (as I detailed a few posts above)
maifs said USB already tried