Two issues: Upgrade install of W7x86 fails and W7x64 fails to clean install

  1. Posts : 341
    W7 Ult x64, W8 Pro x64 and W10 Pro x64

    Two issues: Upgrade install of W7x86 fails and W7x64 fails to clean install

    Clean installing W7 x86 is no problem. But
    1) upgrading Vista x86 to W7 x86 fails and automatically rolls back to Vista, and
    2) attempt to clean install W7 x64 results in BSOD when rebooting to finalize the process.
    Any suggestion would be appreciated.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 9,582
    Windows 8.1 Pro RTM x64

    Hi churin and welcome to Se7en Forums

    I would actually never contemplate on upgrading one OS to another - a clean install is by far the best way to go. True, installing the upgrade version of Vista as a clean install means that you actually install Vista twice, once on an empty drive/partition and then as an upgrade over itself, but it is the same OS. I would expect that the same (or similar) procedure would be true for W7. This could explain your first problem.
    As for your second problem, it is possible that your download is corrupted for some reason or other. You could try downloading it again to see if that is the problem.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 4,282
    Windows 7 Ultimate Vista Ultimate x64

    If you have any overclocks it's good to restore defaults plus sometimes if you have more than 2gigs of RAM when installing can cause problems with BSOD's as well so you could try taking a stick out and see how it goes, I had to do that with Vista once but I haven't had that problem with Windows 7, although I do have another problem with installing 7 on my Evga 750i FTW motherboard in combination with GTX260 video card.

    I get to the finalizing part where the screen goes off for a couple of seconds to install the graphics driver but for some reason I had problems with it coming back on. the only way I got around it last time was to change the card to my old 8600GT while installing.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 341
    W7 Ult x64, W8 Pro x64 and W10 Pro x64
    Thread Starter

    Dwarf and Mr. GRiM, thanks for your responses.
    I decided to try removing one of the two RAM sticks as a starter. Bingo, it worked.
    I had the same problem installing Vista x64 and Windows 2008 x64, so I am going try them again.
    Thanks again.
      My Computer


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