Asus g75vw Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SSD installation issue

  1. Posts : 5
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    Asus g75vw Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SSD installation issue


    I just bought my Asus g75vw, it comes without OS, so i got Windows 7 Ultimate x64 to install.

    Now at the partition selection when i select to install to SSD partition the "next" button freeze and i forced to use HDD partition.

    How can i install windows on my SSD ? I tried to find a step by step tutorial and to do that myself but no luck.

    If here is someone that can help me to install windows to SSD and to provide me a live assistance or something like i agree to pay for that. I'm sure that is not big deal but there are things that i don't understand since this is my first experience with things like this.

    Please help me with my problem.

    thank you very much
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 22,814
    W 7 64-bit Ultimate

    Hello mate, I replied here so please don't multi post the same issue as it gets very frustrating, thanks.

      My Computer


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