Fresh Install with stale issues.
I had some problems with a slow bloated filled hard drive.
I have installed a new hard drive and took my recover disk from my ASUS N61J to rebuild W7 64. I then installed a lot of my other software. My computer is now running so fast and smooth.
The only problem is a few things not running at all
WIFI: I am not getting online. But I am getting the wireless printer to work. I had had an issue last week also with the wifi but I was stuck in a hotel out of the country.
IPAD not showing up on Itunes. When I plug my I-product in (phone or pad) the computer beeps but does not show up in Itunes or in "Computer".
I have tried to update drivers, disable drivers, etc. When I try to open the WIFI trouble shooter the troubleshooter won't open for it, but it does for other drivers. Both show this error under "device manager"
"Windows cannot verify the digital signature for the drivers required for this device. A recent hardware or software change might have installed a file that is signed incorrectly or damaged, or that might be malicious software from an unknown source. (Code 52)"
Other issues I am having is
Unable to listen to HDMI on my TV from the laptop
Unable to move my documents to the Data drive
Both these last problems occur even though I can't find similar issues to the drivers like the first two problems and I have tried numerous methods to fix these I have found online.
Should I just start over with a clean install or a repair install?