Disk read error/ Installer and recovery hanging

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  1. Posts : 35
    Windows 7 Home Premium x64
    Thread Starter

    I tried running a Start up repair using the OEM disc and it did find that the system was corrupt; but it couldn't fix it. Since the system is corrupt, the other repair sequences can't detect that there is an OS in the drive.

    When I get access to another computer tonight, I will try to burn partition wizard again as I think I may have burned it at 12x and not 4x.

    For now I am going to explore through what I can do with the system builder disk. I have one question though, should I format the whole drive or leave certain partitions out?

    EDIT: My BIOS doesn't have any options to change what you want me to change
      My Computer

  2.    #22

    So basically you can't perform any steps that are requested. I've never seen that.

    Try resetting BIOS to defaults using another method given here: How To Clear CMOS (Reset BIOS)

    Can you boot into the installer to get to the drive selection screen, select Drive Options link, delete all partitions, then Click Next to have installer create and format install partition and begin install?

    If you can do that then you should be able to run the Diskpart commands. I've never heard of it showing Diskpart in Command line but not allowing the commands to be typed. It would almost have to be a corrupt installer, but then it wouldn't get to Diskpart if it is.

    Do you have anyone there who can help you follow the steps that have been given from the top? At least one of these steps should work. As it stands there are many steps which have backed up - including the hardware tests which were ignored. To successfully troubleshoot you have to be utterly thorough without missing a single step, reporting back in detail.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 35
    Windows 7 Home Premium x64
    Thread Starter

    I can reset the BIOS but I can't switch to AHCI. My BIOS recognizes the HDD (Shows capacity).

    I am at the install select partition screen and it is extremely slow, even to select a partition so when I can I will delete them.

    When I get through deleting them, what partitions should I make?
      My Computer

  4.    #24

    That's up to your personal preference. If you don't have a partition scheme in mind now, just click Next after deleting and installer will do it for you.

    If it fails then I'd want to test the HD with maker's HD Diagnostic extended CD scan, followed by Disk Check Option Two run from installer Command Line on the partition you made.

    See if you can also wipe the HD with Diskpart Clean Command.

    But if you can get the OS installed you can install CrystalDiskInfo - Software to read the SMART status of the HD, and run Disk Check easier from the OS using Option One.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 35
    Windows 7 Home Premium x64
    Thread Starter

    Alright all the corruption is gone, and now the computer is running much better in the installer. I have another question though, I have a desktop which I am currently in the process of upgrading... I bought the OEM disc knowing I would be installing Win7 on it. My question is can I use the OEM disc to install Windows 7 on both computers?
      My Computer

  6.    #26

    Yes as I said use the Product Key on the COA sticker on the bottom of the laptop and NOT the one which came with the retail OEM disk - you only wanted to use it as an installer.

    I hope you did not activate the laptop with the OEM disk's Product Key as I specfically warned you NOT to do, because if so it is locked to the mobo now and you have wasted the $100 license which came with the laptop.

    What did Crystal Disk Info say the SMART HD status is, and what was the result of the full Disk Check on all partitions? Or did you ignore that step as well?
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 35
    Windows 7 Home Premium x64
    Thread Starter

    I deleted the partitions, and restarted to see if things were deleted. I haven't done anything else as I had to go to bed after. I will use the product key on the bottom of the laptop. The reason why I asked the OEM question is because I heard that the disc becomes bound to the mobo, causing it to not work on other PCs.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 35
    Windows 7 Home Premium x64
    Thread Starter

    May I also add that once I deleted the partitions I was able to complete the diskpart check through the command prompt. I didn't do anything with the command yet, but I was able to type in list disks after
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 35
    Windows 7 Home Premium x64
    Thread Starter

    Ok I ran chkdsk and diskpart before trying a fresh install of Windows 7... Everything checked fine but in the middle of the install I got the error 0x800FF0000. After this error I went and checked diskpart again and it showed that Disk 0 was a total size of 465GB but with 0 B free. I am doing a clean all command right now, but if anyone knows why it's doing this, please help!

      My Computer

  10.    #30

    Did you run the HD maker's HD Diagnostic extended CD scan, followed by Disk Check - from the Command Line on installer if necessary?

    Make sure the rest of the steps suggested earlier have been completed. There was no confirmation or discussion so I doubt they've been done. You must have utter thoroughness to get past these failures.
      My Computer

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