2nd Windows 7 removing problem

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  1. Posts : 16
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    2nd Windows 7 removing problem

    here is situation:
    Notebook Dell 1555, hdd 640GB splitted on 2 partitions as you can see on picture

    there are 2 installations of W7x64. one on each partition.
    i need use w7 on (currently) C: and erase w7 installation from G: drive as simply as possible way.
    BUT! don't suggest me to format or unmount G: drive.
    i have there too many important personal data, photos, source files for video-editing, documents and many more and have no chance nor time to move them somewhere else, then format whole drive and transfer data back.
    any suggestion?
    thanks for any reasonable help.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 983
    7 x64

    Not a single one. As if it was my computer I would erase/format the complete drive and start fresh.

    C drive then G drive? What happened to D, E & F drives?
    No System Reserved? Not that it is really needed but it is a normal install.
    No Dell Recovery partition? That means you at one time Re-Partitioned the drive. Again not a Bad thing if you created a ISO file of the OS or burned it to DVD when the system was new.
    And just how did you end up with 2 Windows installs?

    In any event make sure the system is booting from the Win install on the C drive then open Win Explorer, Highlight Windows on the G drive and press the Delete key. When Prompted, or if Prompted, that the folder is to big for the Recycle Bin and or Are you sure you want to Delete this folder select YES/OK/APPPLY/Whatever to get rid of it. Then reboot.
    If all goes well the Windows install on the G drive will be gone. If not then you will be looking at reinstalling Windows.

    And then Empty the Recycle Bin to really have it gone.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 16
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64
    Thread Starter

    to: edwar

    "c: drive then g:" - whatever, letters of drives are not important.
    "no dell recov. patition"- why? i have dell recovery disc, so i don't waste couple gb from hdd
    just "delete" windows on g - doesn't work.
    that's why i asking for help.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1,711
    Win 7 Pro 64-bit 7601

    a quick question, are there virus or other dangerous things in the partition you want to clean? Why you want to remove that Win7?

    But anyway, since you are looking for a quick-and-dangerous route, I'll tell one that works for sure. But you must be very careful as you can end up screwing up everything.
    I warned you, so let's get back to business.

    For those things I always used a Linux distro installed on my USB (Linux Puppy). But you can do it just fine with say an Ubuntu live-cd. Runs without leaving any trace whatsoever and isn't horribly concerned about what files Windows needs to run, so removing everything you don't want is a breeze. For the same reason, screwing up everything is a breeze as well. You need to be very very sure of the partition you are working in, as it does have a slightly different way of naming the drives (check the partition size and the partition contents to make sure you're in the right place), and have a slightly different GUI and filemanager as well. Experiment a bit with a bunch of non-critical files first, and take your time to be sure. And do so at your own risk, as always.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 16
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64
    Thread Starter

    to: bobafetthotmail

    hi. answer for your first question - no. 2nd - is here.
    i installed 2nd copy in some past, because:
    i installed vodafone usb mobile broadband, but data doesn't flow. all drivers working, no highlight, no warning... i was desperate and under time pressure (was on fiji), so i installed 2nd copy of w7 on G: drive. vodafone internet working straight away after installation on this new w7 copy.
    only after couple months i recognized, that some drivers from Connectify application had conflict with vodafone broadband. so i uninstall connectify from 2st copy of w7 and vodafone broadband instantly working well.
    now i don't need 2nd copy and also, as you can see, it take such amount of hdd space.
    i'll try ubuntu live cd, but before that - if i start w7 (the one which i want to keep) in "safe mode with command prompt" , can i erase folders one by one by dos commands?
    or any similar way...
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 983
    7 x64

    Magy357 said:
    "c: drive then g:" - whatever, letters of drives are not important.
    "no dell recov. patition"- why? i have dell recovery disc, so i don't waste couple gb from hdd
    just "delete" windows on g - doesn't work.
    that's why i asking for help.
    Right click on the G drive and select Properties then the security tab. Click the Advanced button on the security tab then the Owner tab on the window that comes up. What is the owner listed as? Is your Username listed ion the Change owner to: section? If so select edit then highlight your username then the Apply or OK button.

    You should then be able to delete that install of Windows on the G drive.

    But after you do that and you still can't delete it then more then likely the computer is running from that install.

    Good Luck
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 16
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64
    Thread Starter

    to: edwar

    I did your suggestion about ownership, but when i deleting windows folder, it show me THIS message.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 983
    7 x64

    Sorry I have nothing to add.
    I suspect when the second install was done, for whatever reason, with the first install on the drive, even in another partition, the new install files got crossed with some of the old and the system is protecting itself. If you are successful in deleting the Windows folder on the G drive the system might not work at all anymore. Don't really know, never been in this situation.

    IMHO you really need to start fresh. Save all your personal files, collect all you program install files, have the license key for them, backup your emails that you want to save and WIPE that drive and re-install clean.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 16
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64
    Thread Starter

    to: edwar

    thank you.

    i had luck to catch one friend and he helped me via teamviewer. hi did almost same thing, as you suggest, but a bit different and it's working, now i deleeeeting...
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 240
    Win 8 RP, Win 7, XP

    Have a Win7 Recovery USB/CD ready - if you don't have one -> create it.

    To be sure that no system files are on G:
    hide drive g: by using diskpart.exe.

    >list disk (you should get one disk)
    >select disk 0
    >list partitions (you should get 2 partitions)
    >sel par 2 (this must be the bigger par)
    >detail par (you get ... type: 07)
    >set id=17 (this will make it hidden)

    Reboot to c: to check OS works well - there will be no g: ! (as its hidden)

    Now unhide g: (set id=07 (on partition 2)) and reboot.

    Take ownership of g:\windows - delete
    Take ownership of g:\program files - delete
    Take ownership of g:\program files (x86)- delete
    Take ownership of g:\users - delete

    This will free 10-20 GB depending on installed programs on g:

    To introduce another level of checking before deleting
    rename folders on g:
    \windows, \program files, \users
    then after some time if everything is ok - delete.
      My Computer

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