Remove Vista from Vista / Win7 Dual Boot - Separate Drives

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 7 Professional 32bit

    Remove Vista from Vista / Win7 Dual Boot - Separate Drives

    I have two drives (C and D) with Vista on one and Win 7 on the other (not sure if they're actual drives or partitions of a single drive, how do I tell?). I am dual booting and never use Vista. Starting to need the disk space and want to delete Vista. Is this difficult in this scenario?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 12,012
    Windows 7 Home Premium SP1, 64-bit

    No, shouldn't be difficult.

    Post a screen shot of Windows Disk Management so we can see your setup.

    Get to disk management by typing those 2 words into the start button search box.
      My Computer

  3.    #3

    Please post back a screenshot of your maximized Disk Management drive map and listings:

    1. Type Disk Management in Start Search box.
    2. Open Disk Mgmt. window and maximize it.
    3. Type Snipping Tool in Start Search box.
    4. Open Snipping Tool, choose Rectangular Snip, draw a box around full map and all listings.
    5, Save Snip, attach using paper clip in Reply Box.

    Tell us what is on each partition.
      My Computer


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