Thank you for tutorial quick reference list for installing Windows 7.very informative! :)
Thank you for tutorial quick reference list for installing Windows 7.very informative! :)
can anyone help me iv got a packard bell duel core 2 1g ram with xp can i intall windows7 on it, thanks
Wow! I didn't even know this existed Dave, very nice.......can it be stickied to the top of this sub-forum?
Also, can I recommend to add this to the top of your thread in the System Information section?
System Info - See Your System Specs
EDIt : My bad, I see its already stickied.
That is the minimum amount of RAM that you can have for the 32bit version of Windows 7.
Windows 7 system requirements
You should consider getting 2GB RAM, it will run much better.
Good suggestion, Done.
Thanks Golden
thanks for advice, whats the best place to buy ram, think the maximum my computer will let me upgrade to is 2G
Your welcome swinbob.
Depends on where you live, from your time zone I can't recommend anything.
Post the question in General Discussion forum and someone from your area can help.
Great tutorial many new things are learn from this tutorial of window 7 installation. now i know perfect about installing window 7 .....Thanks