XP/Vista dual boot. Install 7, kick out Vista. How to?
Hi, as most who sign up. I've been a long time lurker (using the forum to find solutions to help others as I didn't use 7 myself). So first a big thanks to all contributors :) Now I'm finally at a point where XP just doesn't cut it any longer. I installed Vista 32 bit because I had a licence that I hadn't used in years (old OEM from a laptop, phone activated without problems on the desktop)... anyway I wanted a proper Win 7 64 bit, and now I have it .
I am now dual booting XP and Vista.
XP is on the first HDD and Vista on the second.
I want to install 7 and wipe out Vista.
Can I just start the Windows 7 installation and let it wipe out Vista by selecting to use the whole disk that Vista is on, or do I need to... fixmbr, format Vista HD and then install Windows 7?