Nagging Problem "No Active Partion" Win 7 & 8 Dual Boot on Single SSD
I have been running a dual Win 7 & 8 setup on a single SSD for over a year now and have a nagging issue I'd like to solve. Every time I boot I get the "No Active Partition Found" error followed by "Press Any Key" which I do and then I get the Win 7 Dual Boot menu and select Win 7 or 8 and off I go. Never any more trouble until I boot again.
My question is how to fix the "No Active Partition Found" error?
As background I started with Win 7 on the 240 GB SSD. Then using the shrink volume technique described many places, I created the Win 8 partition and installed. Just can't get rid of the error at boot. I have attached a screen snip of my Disk Management console showing the drive partitions as reference.
Any ideas?
Many thanks in advance.