Thankyou so much for coming to my assistance !!!! X
Thankyou so much for coming to my assistance !!!! X
It is on expending windows files bit atm
past all other things
pressed any key to continue
is now loading files on black and white screen
let's wait if it continues now. Otherwise do the shift+f10 trick then:
format will take some time, but it will prove disk is fine (not for 100% though).Code:diskpart select disk 0 clean (this will delete partition table, logically all is gone) create part primary format fs=ntfs label="win7" active (make it the boot partition) exit
Now reboot from dvd and try to clean install again
starting windows with coloured graphic, came back to front installation screen again
stopped on main install screen with windows 7 at top and lauguage choice again, back where i stated i think ????????????????????
done shift f10 will type that in then try again, i am typing that on x: correct? not changing to c: or anywhere else ?
Try post #15
afterwards Clean Install Windows 7
Step 9 goes fine? Step 10 goes fine? btw don't press any just before step.... otherwise it boots again from dvd
done all that as far as format label window 7 etc, pressed enter,
now on 2 percent complete,