Strange Install Problem
I have had Windows 7 Home premium running on my PC for a few years now.
I formatted my HDD and installed Windows XP proffesional with service pack 3, this runs normally.My problem is that when I try to install Windows 7 I only get as far as "starting windows" then the PC freezes.I get windows is loading files ,then starting windows and thats it.I downloaded another win 7 home premium DVD and tried that and I even downloaded windows ultimate and tried that but they all do the same thing ? I thought it may have something to do with my GFX or Mobo drivers so I tried to install my GFX and Mobo drivers again but my PC refuses to boot them ? Yes I have set the BIOS to boot from CD and I also tried pressing F12 ( for boot options ) but they still will not load.When I try to load any of these DVDs the PC goes streight into loading Windows XP, It will however boot the XP disk on startup ( but not the Win 7 disk ) I could ( if I wanted to ) install multiple versions of XP but I cant install Win 7.
Any ideas anyone ?