Installed on slave drive and failed........ Help!
Not sure where to look for this problem here on the forum. I am hoping that it is an easy fix and some here can help out. Yesterday evening I was attempting to install and ISO of windows7 onto a friend of mines computer. he has a legitimate copy just no disk. His comp will not boot to the USB and his Optical drive is trash. Without doing the proper research. I decided to connect it to my system also running a legitimate copy of window 7 and install the ISO from my system to his drive. Everything seemed to be working. The disk installed took the OS and booted from his drive. When I celebrated in success and installed the drive into his system, it failed to boot asking for boot disk. My system shows two boot options for windows, only one works the original install. The bad thing is that now it is saying that I do not have a valid copy of windows. I am trying to avoid having to buy a copy that I have already purchased. Does anyone have an idea of what could have happened and if there is a fix for it ? thank you for your time.