Toshiba Laptop A300 restarts during installation - it installs only XP
Hello everybody,
I have a weird problem.The story is like that
1.Laptop with vista cannot load Windows it RESTARTS at windows logo splash.
2.Checked the disk with HDSentinel and found only 1 bad sector.
3.Checked the Ram with memtest86+ (hirens's boot CD) and found no errors, all tests passed
4.I bought a new hard drive scorpio black 500gb and I can only install windows XP....
(i have also checked this drive with HDsentinel its 100% healthy)
i cannot install win 7, vista, or win 8,
When i try to install windows vista,7,or 8 the laptop restarts a couple of seconds after windows logo
also from hiren' boot cd I can only boot to miniXP not Win7
5. I have tried all the possible combinations with Ram resitting, i also putted new memory still the same.
i have changed the Sata Controller Mode to AHCI and Compatibility Mode.
6. I have cleaned ram dimms with isopropyl and also the motherboard.
So what should i do now???any other solution??
I have tried install with USB and DVD, it just restarts and i am sure the media is working properly cause they install to other pc normally. The model is satellite A300-20w and is toshiba has drivers for it for xp,vista and 7, so it can run win 7!
any idea would be very helpful thanks in advance guys!