Setting up dual boot - Win7 & XP
This isn't going to happen for some months as I am abroad and don't have the PC in question with me, but I want to know what I am doing next time I visit the UK so that I can make the changes with confidence!
I have one or two programmes which will not install in a Win7 environment and the only way to have these available is going to be to go back to Windows XP. The PC in question is for gaming, I don't use it for email or much else than Microsoft Flight Simulator, so I could just change the O/S, but I'd rather have both installed - that is Windows 7 x64, as now, and then add Windows XP x64. I have space on other physical drives. (I have the necessary drivers for the XP 64-bit version, and a currently unused XP x64 installation disc). I know XP is no longer supported, but that's not really a problem as far as I can see.
I have looked already at ways to do this, but just wondered if anyone had tried the same dual boot (or with XP x86 of course) and run into any problems. I thought that, installing XP on the PC would make it impossible to boot into Win7, but I see there is a tool called EasyBCD which will fix this. (Is that the best one to use?).
Does the XP partition have to be at the start of the physical disc? If it isn't, is that an issue? I guess I could juggle things around to make it so...
My system was built with the CPU (Intel i7-950) pre-overclocked to 3.80GHz.. never had any issues with that. Installing a new O/S presumably won't affect that as the setup is in the BIOS?
Anything I should watch out for that I may not have anticipated?
OK, thanks!