Installing win 7 on new laptop with emmc
I am trying to install 32-bit win 7 on a HP Stream c004tu that comes with a Samsung MBG4C eMmc harddrive, on win 8.1.
I can get up to booting the installation usb by changing bios settings, but after clicking 'install now' I get the dreaded 'load drivers - "A required CD/DVD drive device driver is missing. If you have a drive floppy disk, cd, dvd or usb flash drive please inset it now."' error message. After some research, I tried to get around it by changing usb ports and using different isos (the non-refresh media), but it didn't work. When I do diskpart->list disk, it says there are no disks.
I think this perhaps is a similar problem to mine and he solved it by adding emmc drivers to the bootable installation, presumably via this method.
The problem is I cannot find drivers for my emmc harddisk, and samsung's contact us link fails when I submit.
Looking in device manager, my current emmc driver is by microsoft but i am using 64-bit win 8 so I didn't think that would help. Help?
Last edited by tsundere; 24 Jul 2015 at 14:56.