Installing win 7 on new laptop with emmc

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  1. Posts : 21
    win 7 32bit

    Installing win 7 on new laptop with emmc

    I am trying to install 32-bit win 7 on a HP Stream c004tu that comes with a Samsung MBG4C eMmc harddrive, on win 8.1.

    I can get up to booting the installation usb by changing bios settings, but after clicking 'install now' I get the dreaded 'load drivers - "A required CD/DVD drive device driver is missing. If you have a drive floppy disk, cd, dvd or usb flash drive please inset it now."' error message. After some research, I tried to get around it by changing usb ports and using different isos (the non-refresh media), but it didn't work. When I do diskpart->list disk, it says there are no disks.

    I think this perhaps is a similar problem to mine and he solved it by adding emmc drivers to the bootable installation, presumably via this method.

    The problem is I cannot find drivers for my emmc harddisk, and samsung's contact us link fails when I submit.

    Looking in device manager, my current emmc driver is by microsoft but i am using 64-bit win 8 so I didn't think that would help. Help?
    Last edited by tsundere; 24 Jul 2015 at 14:56.
      My Computer

  2.    #2

    For 3gb or less RAM use 32 bit, for more RAM use 64 bit. Follow Clean Reinstall Windows 7.

    Most often the error means the installer is bad so confirm your ISO and burn it correctly as discussed in Step 1. Note if it's UEFI then a flash stick installer must be specially formatted as specified.

    If it really needs the SATA driver which is rare then you should be able to insert it at the link in bottom corner of screen where you get that message. However your model only has 8.1 drivers posted. This doesn't mean you can't install Win7 as I've never seen a driver that couldn't be found (and our Drivers section can find them) but you may need to research the SATA controller make/model to find it's Windows 7 or 8/8.1 driver. HP Stream Notebook - 13-c004tu Software and Drivers | HP® Support

    After confirming the media if problems persist thenTroubleshoot Windows 7 Installation Failures - Windows 7 Help Forums
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  3. Posts : 21
    win 7 32bit
    Thread Starter

    Thanks for the reply. I have tried both the x86 and x64 isos after checking their md5 and using Rufus and windows usb tool. I always get that same error.. Do you know how to find my SATA controller?
      My Computer

  4.    #4

    I am waiting for results of a single step indicating you completed Troubleshooting Windows 7 Installation Failures - Windows 7 Help Forums

    Do not ignore or skip any steps given if you want a solution. In 90% of those cases of the solution is in the skipped steps. That tutorial solves almost all installation problems except those arising from having a UEFI BIOS and we haven't even heard yet whether you do. Do the steps.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 21
    win 7 32bit
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    I presume that I have a uEFI BIOS as I disabled UEFI and enabled legacy. I cannot do step 2 as there are no options about SATA/AHCI in my BIOS, i have very few options there. The hp support site has no firmware for the emmc harddrive. Harddrive is first in boot order, but I have to manually choose the boot drive with F9 everytime. Regarding step 4; Win 7 installation screen boots up and I have confirmed the md5, and tried Rufus and windows tool. I've also tried with a different usb stick. Both x64 (uefi) isos and x32(mbr bios) isos get the same error message. I have done steps 5 & 6 ("there are no fixed disks to show"). It seems I cannot do step 9 as it's not installed. I have tested my harddrive using the hp tool but not the RAM yet. (my laptop has no CD Drive, is there another way to do step 10?)
    Last edited by tsundere; 24 Jul 2015 at 10:16.
      My Computer

  6.    #6

    There is no reason to disable UEFI as the new features of UEFI firmware are worth trying and keeping updated if there is a newer version to install.

    So enable UEFI, carefully format the flash stick using only Option One of UEFI Bootable USB Flash Drive - Create in Windows making sure the settings don't jump around when adding the ISO,
    then boot it as a UEFI device, delete all partitions during install, report back any verbatim errors or behavior.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 21
    win 7 32bit
    Thread Starter

    Ok I have done that with the x64 iso and I get the same error ("A required CD/DVD drive device driver is missing. If you have a drive floppy disk, cd, dvd or usb flash drive please inset it now."). When doing diskpart->list disk I get "there are no fixed disks to show".
      My Computer

  8.    #8

    Is HD listed anywhere in BIOS?

    If not reseat Drive and cabling to try to get it to show up

    Try testing it with makers HD diagnostics CD scan. Hard Drive Diagnostic Procedure
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 21
    win 7 32bit
    Thread Starter

    Yes, in the boot options, Samsung MBG4C eMmc harddrive is listed. Do you think it's an issue of windows 7 not having the drivers to detect my weird hdd (it's more like an SD card). Although when I plug in other usb drives during the installation it doesn't detect them either (so sata controller problem?) Ok I will do that test now. As I don't have a CD Drive, I'll use rufus to burn that diagnostic iso to a usb
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 21
    win 7 32bit
    Thread Starter

    I cannot find any downloads for the samsung mbg4gc
      My Computer

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