Windows repair doesn't detect unbootable Windows as installed
I'm not sure if it's the correct section, but I have a big problem I need to fix ASAP. I'll describe it from the beginning:
1. PC with Windows 7 x64 worked completely fine one day, I used the sleep functionality.
2. The next day I woke it up. At the first sight everything was ok, logging in worked fine, so did Google Chrome, Filezilla and some other applications. But then I noticed that the sound doesn't work (including the volume button on the bottom bar), also an application that required access to drivers/etc/hosts threw an error. I tried to manually access it to no avail, Windows said it's inaccessible. I tried to restart my PC to see if it helps, but it wasn't the best solution because...
3. ... system didn't boot anymore. It went straight into the repair/recovery mode, I couldn't even safe boot it. The mouse didn't work in that mode and it was hard to do anything (I managed to run it but it did nothing, couldn't even see the error message due to no scroll possibility), so...
4. ... I used a YUMI pendrive with Windows 7 installer .iso. Mouse worked and I managed to run repair on disc E:, where the tool reported to see Windows. I ran it - this time it at least reported MissingOSLoader. I Googled it and followed this: System will not boot to Windows 7 Professional [Solved] - Windows 7 - Windows 7 1. and 2. didn't do anything - /bootrec scanos returned 0 systems. 3. seemed to worked fine until I restarted PC to see a NoOSInstalled error this time. I couldn't fix it so I tried to run /chkdsk [driveletter]: /f and it fixed some errors, I guess I should have done it in the first place which would save me at the beginning. I also recovered a SYSTEM/SOFTWARE/etc. hives (?) backup which was recommended somewhere, I'm not sure if I should revert that now, but both the old (~15 days) and new files seemed ok when it comes to size.
5. Then I realized the new error showed up because I accidentally marked 2 partitions as active in DISKPART... I unmarked one to go back to the MissingOSLoader state, no matter how many repairs and /bootrec commands I try to run (scanos option stll show 0 installs...).
Additional disk info:
- I have 2 disks, one with system and second with files, the second one is encrypted with Bitlocker and Windows asks me for key on my pendrive, not sure if it matters whether I provide it or not
- on the system disk I have 2 partitions - one with system/app files and the other (~300MB) with boot info, I guess. If I mark the 1st as active I get NoOSInstalled, on the 2nd I get MissingOSLoader, so I assume the 2nd should be marked, right?
Could you answer the boldened questions and provide a step-by-step instruction of what I should do now to avoid reinstall?