Update your Win 7 installation media

  1. Posts : 16,504
    7 X64
    Thread Starter

    You could mount the wim image and point dism++ at it


    Download the following "wsusscn3.cab" file and put it into the dism++ "Config" folder.

    mount the image ( this example is win7 x64 but it is the same process for x86 )

    click open session

    in the left pane click updates

    click scan

    choose what to integrate ( suggested updates are already ticked)

    then scan again and put in whatever other updates you want

    then scan a third time

    when you are satisfied you have integrated the updates you want

    Save the image

    Unmount the image

    the process is quite quick if you do it on an ssd

    - - - Updated - - -

    FILE>Mount Image

    Update your Win 7 installation media-dism-mount1.jpg

    Browse to the wim file

    Update your Win 7 installation media-dism-mount2.jpg

    Browse to the mount folder ( can be any EMPTY folder )

    Update your Win 7 installation media-dism-mount3.jpg

    In the dropdown select the Edition you want to mount

    Update your Win 7 installation media-dism-mount4.jpg

    Click OK

    Update your Win 7 installation media-dism-mount5.jpg

    - - - Updated - - -

    It is mounting

    Update your Win 7 installation media-dism-mount6.jpg

    click open session

    Update your Win 7 installation media-dism-mount7.jpg

    - - - Updated - - -

    Click Updates in the left pane

    Click Scan

    **************************************************************************************************** *************
    Alternative method - you could click Updates in the left pane then instead of Scan button , click ADD button and browse to these two that you need to download first

    prerequisite for the convenience update

    then the "convenience" update which is a big rollup

    That should cover the updates between SP1 and April 2016

    After putting those two in then click Scan and see if you want anything else

    - - - Updated - - -


    Another alternative


    Update your Win 7 installation media-17.12.15-dig-sig.jpg
    Last edited by SIW2; 01 Dec 2024 at 17:25.
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 21
    Windows XP

    SIW2 said:
    You could mount the wim image and point dism++ at it


    Another alternative: 17.12.15.zip
    Awesome, I went with the latter, the older build of Simplix UpdatePack. Media is created, all reported successful, and will be test installing it in a couple days. THANK YOU!
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 16,504
    7 X64
    Thread Starter

      My Computers

  4. Posts : 21
    Windows XP

    OK I tried it out but no go. It hangs during boot before SETUP can run, with either DVD or USB drive. An unmodded copy of W7 SP1-U installs fine but even just integrating only the convenience rollup (and prereqs) from 2016 is breaking something, so I think it is one (or more) of the post-SP1 updates to blame. I've spent too much time on this. I'll just use the Simplix UpdatePack post-install. Thanks for linking to that older release! I tried searching for older releases but couldn't find any going back that far.

    FWIW, W7 performance is fairly painful on such an older system anyway, even with 3GB RAM and decent graphics card e.g. Radeon 9600 PRO. I do not recommend it. Especially those lacking SSE2, probably best to stick with Windows XP (or one of the lightweight Linux distros). Thanks again for the help!

    Edit: remind me not to tell you sometime about the five hours I spent initially on this project trying to get W7 loaded onto HDD connected to integrated SATA 150 port that turned out to NOT be bootable (SATA ports were intended for secondary storage only)! W7 'installed' fine but when time to boot from the drive, NOPE. Only took me five hours to figure that one out.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 285
    Windows 7 Pro 64-bit

    Upgrade from XP, you might try Windows 10 X86 slimdown version. its size is similar to XP. but supports GPT SSD modern networking, running stable.

    my XP machine went this way. it wouldn't run Windows 7 (freezing-up)
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 21
    Windows XP

    Installs without a hitch from unmodded install bits of W7 SP1-U from Microsoft. Mucking around with the ISO seems to break something. I don't know what. But after using Simplix post-installation to bring it up-to-date with all the Windows Updates (supported by processors lacking SSE2), NETFX, etc. makes performance a bit awful. Last version of Firefox supporting processors without SSE2 was 48, which isn't any more useable on a lot of sites than IE11. Don't know about Chrome. I doubt the bottleneck with this system is the HDD, mostly it's the Athlon XP.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 7
    Windows 7/10 x64

    Hello, SIW2.

    I've just stumbled upon an odd inconsistency in 7UPDATER.cmd and 7UPLANGPACKS.cmd. As far as I understood, the latter one doesn't invoke finalNoSimplix.cmd. Right now I'm digging into figuring out how it affects the final results. I'm attaching the screenshots:

    Update your Win 7 installation media-image.pngUpdate your Win 7 installation media-image.png

    Is it something that needs to be fixed? If it's not the case, why does it work like that?
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 776
    Windows 7 Professional SP1 64-bit


    Will you eventually be releasing a new version to replace 7UPv64R?

    The browser issues that occurred last month with WS2008R2 security updates has been resolved, so it appears that Simplix UpdatePack7R2 will continue to be updated every month until January 2026.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 16,504
    7 X64
    Thread Starter

    SevoosMinecraft said:
    Hello, SIW2.

    is it something that needs to be fixed?
    The answer is in your screenshot. There is a subroutine called instead of calling the external batch.

    - - - Updated - - -

    flavallee said:

    Will you eventually be releasing a new version to replace 7UPv64R?

    Is there something that needs changing?
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 19
    w7rt, w7x64 pro, w10ltsc

    I need guidance. I tried to create final version of W7 using 7updaterv64r but it adds IE11 spyware to my image. How to exclude this plague? All tutorials here says it is optional install, but Script does not asks a question about including this. It was forced without asking. NTLite warns about consequences of deleting/uninstalling this after has been already added
    Strangely - only 40 updates has been added. People were mentioning 140-170.
    All I need is just clean operating system. Without their crap like like IE, WMP, Viewer, touchscreen input and natural dictionary (fail!). Without just them - entire image is 2,5GB smaller!
    Additionally - Simplix does not contains all drivers. There is still some z170 chipset drv missing and Intel WiFi + usb3.0 hub
      My Computer


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