Update your Win 7 installation media

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  1. Posts : 16,540
    7 X64

    Update your Win 7 installation media

    Here is a way to get your installation media up to date: Includes "universal" usb3 , sata drivers, nvme drivers and MS nvme updates

    7Updater: ( approx 130mb)


    NOTE: It is not required to use the simplix update pack.
    If you only want to integrate usb3, nvme, irst, sha2 support and windows update support, Run 7updater.cmd without simplix update pack present.

    If you want to include the simplix pack:
    Small downloader which can be run to download the latest Simplix updatepack ( about 850mb).
    If you are using simplix updatepack, recommend including the latest Net framework 4.8 add-on (see next post)

    1. Extract the 7UPv64.zip directly to the root of the drive, so you have C:\7UPv64 folder.

    2. If you want to include simplix update pack, put the UpdatePack7R2-date.exe in the C:\7UPv64 folder.

    3. Copy and paste your windows 7 SP1 installation media to a hard disk or ssd - not to a usb stick.

    (Or use ISO-EXTRACT.cmd to extract your windows 7 SP1 iso file to a hard disk or ssd - not to a usb stick.)

    4. Right click and Run as administrator on the the 7UPDATERv64.cmd

    Update your Win 7 installation media-7up.jpg

    Note: it is recommended to turn off your antivirus real time protection during the process, because it will slow it down.

    Last edited by SIW2; 30 Jul 2024 at 23:14.
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 16,540
    7 X64
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    If you want to integrate your own drivers, please put them in the relevant folder beforehand.

    for 64bit use the DRIVERS\Bootx64 ( for boot.wim ) and DRIVERS\Installx64 folder ( for Install.wim) .

    for 32bit use the DRIVERS\Bootx86 ( for boot.wim ) and DRIVERS\Installx86 folder ( for Install.wim) .

    You can also add language packs in the LANGPACKS folder


    If you are using simplix STRONGLY Recommend you include net framework 4.8 add on

    Other optional add ons:
    2005-2008 vc runtimes
    Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable

    Place the .WA files in the C:\7UPv64 folder and the Simplix updatepack7R2.exe will integrate them for you:

    Update your Win 7 installation media-capturelay.jpg
    Last edited by SIW2; 18 Feb 2023 at 08:56. Reason: Photo re attached. This time as a png image so it might stick.
      My Computers

  3.   My Computers

  4. Posts : 6,021
    Win 7 HP SP1 64-bit Vista HB SP2 32-bit Linux Mint 18.3

    Hi SIW2,

    I have done some testing on the procedure for updating the Win 7 pre-installation media [I used a downloaded ISO] using a Win 7 HOMEPREMIUM SP1 64-bit and 4GB of RAM machine.

    ALL went extremely well without any hitches [I selected HOMEPREMIUM from the options as a single image to update] and took about 3 1/2 hours in total. This includes creating a new ISO.

    I like the fact that it creates a text file with ALL the updates that were integrated.

    One observation though. After ALL the updating is finished and you are at the screen that gives the message FINISHED press any key to exit, there is a ια in front of the press any key to exit. I have looked at the batch file script and it doesn't actually show in front of the press any key to exit in the script. Strange!

    The only thing that I haven't managed to do is to actually install the newly updated ISO due to not having enough HDD space.

    I also tested it on an old Win Vista HOMEBASIC SP2 32-bit and 2GB of RAM machine [I downloaded and installed DISM because it is not native to Windows Vista] and found that it doesn't appear to work as it should. The final ISO was smaller than the original one when I only used HOMEPREMIUM as the single image to update. I could PM you with the notes I made if needed!

    With this in mind, I would recommend that users either use a Win 7, 8 or 10 machine to create an updated installation. I wouldn't have thought that there would be many people who would have to resort to using Win Vista to update Win 7 installation media anyway, so there is no need to amend the batch file. I was just at a loose end and thought I would give it a go!

    Brilliant work SIW2, and thank you for your time and effort in putting this together. It is an extremely efficient way of creating a new, and mostly up to date installation ISO.

    Out of interest, would the script automatically pick up the latest SIMPLIX pack?

    Thanks again .
    Last edited by Paul Black; 12 Aug 2018 at 11:31.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 6,021
    Win 7 HP SP1 64-bit Vista HB SP2 32-bit Linux Mint 18.3

    Hi SIW2,

    Does SIMPLIX include updating the browser to I.E.11 and have the latest updates for it?

    I noticed on MDL that it says if you rename the UpdatePack7R2 to UpdatePack7R2--ie11++.exe it will automatically install ALL the updates together with I.E.11. Is this correct please? Or is it a case of this will only work if you use their method of updating using something called a Boss911 Integrator?

    On the same site it also states:
    [1] Windows 7 distribution will be fully updated, with exception of few hotfixes that cannot be integrated.
    [2] Integrated updates can be deleted even after the installation of the system.
    [3] Updated Windows 7 distribution is fully functional with its repair options like original Win7 ISO.
    [4] It is recommended to unload from memory resident anti-virus monitor for the duration of the set.
    [1] I assume that they are talking about the exclusive access updates which your script does anyway!
    [2] I assume that this is correct?.
    [3] I assume that this is correct?.
    [4] I didn't disable my AV while using your batch file script and I didn't have any problems!.

    Thanks in advance.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 16,540
    7 X64
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    Hi Paul

    The batch file includes IE11 automatically. It should show on the update list that is produced.

    Out of interest, would the script automatically pick up the latest SIMPLIX pack?
    No, I will need to upload a new zip file every month. That is probably the easiest way. Or you can get the new downloader and replace the one currently in the bin folder.

    Thanks for testing it.

    [4] I didn't disable my AV while using your batch file script and I didn't have any problems!.
    Updating will take longer. Leaving AV on will slow it down.
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 6,021
    Win 7 HP SP1 64-bit Vista HB SP2 32-bit Linux Mint 18.3

    Hi SIW2,


    SIW2 said:
    Or you can get the new downloader and replace the one currently in the bin folder.
    I am quite happy to download the new UpdatePatch-xx.xx.xx file when needed.


    I have been trying out DISM++ today using the latest Win 7 ISO.
    It is pretty straight forward, I like it. It scans and installs the updates a lot quicker than SIMPLIX. In fact, the whole process is quicker!

    Just a few of questions please:

    [1] After scanning and installing the updates offline, there is sometimes a message that says a particular update needs exclusive access. I have not installed the update. I ran the scan for updates again, and when it gave me the same message, I ignored it again. I then ran the scan for updates again, this time there was just one update ticked. I assumed that this was the update that needed exclusive access. Sure enough, the same message came up, but this time I installed it. Is this correct please?

    [2] When I ran the first, second and third scan for updates, IE11 was not ticked. Is it OK to tick the update for IE11 so it gets installed?

    [3] Once all the scans and updates were completed, I saved the install.wim as per the instructions below overwriting the existing install.wim. I then attempted to optimize the size of the install.wim file. I opend the install.wim image and exported it to the same directory as the original install.wim file as install2.wim. The thing is I couldn't delete the original install.wim file or rename the install2.wim file to install.wim. What am I doing wrong please. Do I need to create another directory and save it to there and then rename it install.wim?

    Update your Win 7 installation media-save-install.wim.jpg

    What I had to do for number [3] is to export the new install.wim file to another folder and I called it install.wim2. Then I unmounted the image. I then renamed the new install2.wim file to install.wim and then I cut and pasted it into the Sources folder overwriting the existing one! Is there an easier way to do this please?

    Thanks in advance.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 7,394
    Windows 7 HP 64

    SIW2, I'm running the updater from D:\Winprog\7UPDATERv5
    It didn't work as it doesn't find the cmd on C:\Windows\System32.

    I had to add PATH=%path%;C:\Windows\System32 to the line just below title 7UPDATE_Integrator V5

    Edit.: I extracted the Win 7 iso file to a Win 7 (with space) folder. The script wasn't finding the *.wim files. Then I renamed to Win7 (no space) and it worked. So the folder should be old DOS mode (no space, no special character).

    Another problem I've seen is that the install.wim with the updates gets bigger than 4G and you cant use on a DVD or FAT32 flash drive.
    I think you mentioned that one of your versions was able to delete some brands. I think it's a good thing to have it back.
    Last edited by Megahertz07; 16 Aug 2018 at 13:36.
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 16,540
    7 X64
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    Hi Paul

    [1] I assumed that this was the update that needed exclusive access. Sure enough, the same message came up, but this time I installed it. Is this correct please?
    I am not sure it will work. Normally those requiring exclusive access are installed after the others are completed ( the other updates you added to the wim are pending - not yet complete. ) The only way to find out is to install that updated wim and see what happens.

    [2] When I ran the first, second and third scan for updates, IE11 was not ticked. Is it OK to tick the update for IE11 so it gets installed?
    It is not automatically ticked because it is optional. Tick it if you like.

    What I had to do for number [3] is to export the new install.wim file to another folder and I called it install.wim2. Then I unmounted the image. I then renamed the new install2.wim file to install.wim and then I cut and pasted it into the Sources folder overwriting the existing one! Is there an easier way to do this please?
    Just create Install2.wim in the sources folder. Then you wont need to move it.
    Unmount the image. Delete Install.wim, rename Install2.wim

    One of the advantages of the cmd file I made is it does it all for you. It can also create a wim with ALL editions updated in a fraction of the time needed to do them individually.

    You can use both. Install whatever updates you want using dism++. Important - install them into Image 1.

    Then run the 7update.cmd, say NO to updates and enter *. That will result in ALL images having those updates you put in image 1 and is fairly quick
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 16,540
    7 X64
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    Hi Mega

    I had to add PATH=%path%;C:\Windows\System32
    Cmd.exe should be in the path by default. There was something strange in your system if you had to add it.

    I extracted the Win 7 iso file to a Win 7 (with space) folder
    Thanks, I will sort that out when I get a bit of time.

    I think you mentioned that one of your versions was able to delete some brands. I think it's a good thing to have it back.
    I will have a look at that when I get a bit of time. A fully updated 64 bit image will still be over 4gb though. You can split the wim if you must put it on fat32. Or you can use exfat. Or you can have a small fat32 system partition and a bigger ntfs partition.
      My Computers

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