doesnt recognize my w7 install on nvme

  1. Posts : 81
    win 7 pro 64

    doesnt recognize my w7 install on nvme

    so installed w7 on nvme. alls good, working on setting it up as I want.

    and I installed w10 on a sata ssd (lexar). this was to try some printer driver that seems shady.

    I installed w10 from another ssd (kingston) which had been mounted through rufus if im remember correctly

    after installing w10 to the lexar, when I boot, it shows a boot option to choose between w7 and w10. im sure this is windows 10 doing this bs.

    I dont want either the lexar nor the kingston connected anymore. I just want it to boot to w7. I pulled both sata ssd

    now it says its corrupted, it doesnt even load w7

    also, in the bios, in the boot menu, its not even showing the nvme as an option. AND its showing a listing for a seagate HDD which hasnt been connected for 6 months now. its showing the kingston which has w10 install but it isnt showing the lexard ssd either. its just a huge mess.

    to me this is the doing of windows 10 and why I will never use w10 as a main pc. its just a massive screw up and pita with windows. its a crime against humanity, and thats before mentioning w11 with google having a backdoor.

    so ultimaely how do I get nvme recognized to boot from, get rid of windows10 as a boot option and remove seagate HDD from the bios as an option thats not even connected?

    I did remove the battery and reset the bios to no avail
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 3,850
    win 8 32 bit

    Check MB manual with a lot nvme. uses some ssd channels so ssd can stop it working
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 81
    win 7 pro 64
    Thread Starter

    thanks for the help

    so something to configure in bios?

    ill download the manual and look it over.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 7,387
    Windows 7 HP 64

    What screw up was that you didn't remove the Win 7 drive when installing win 10 and the both boot managers are on same drive (probably on the Win 7 drive)
    It is quite easy to fix if you can boot win 7 or win 10

    Can you install the Win 10 drive back and boot from it?

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      My Computers

  5. Posts : 81
    win 7 pro 64
    Thread Starter

    thanks for the help. never knew this. I should have installed w10 with that as the only drive inside without the nvme. I did try putting back the 2nd w10 drive but it didnt cooperate. not sure why it doent even show up in bios as a boot option. but it did show the ssd that had the w10 iso.

    and it still shows an old seagate hdd as a selection. I didnt get far with w7 install. Ill do that over and be done with it. hopefully that will also clear the seagate as a boot option.

    ill update
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 7,387
    Windows 7 HP 64

    As I said, it is quite easy to fix and have Win 7 back.
    Boot from a Win 10 installation drive and at the Windows Setup screen, press Shift+F10 simultaneously to open a command line prompt. Type:
    list disk (take note of the NVMe drive number)
    select disk n (replace n with the NVMe drive number)
    list part

    Take a photo with your cel phone of the commands above and place it here.
    Screenshots and Files - Upload and Post in Seven Forums
      My Computers


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