Installing Windows 7 on a Dell Optiplex Micro 7060
I'm trying to install Windows 7 on the Dell Optiplex 7060 Micro, and it refuses to install no matter what. Every time I try to install it either from a .wim file or from a flash drive, it always throws an ACPI error even if the ACPI driver file is patched. I tried looking at older posts and I couldn't understand the solutions or if it was ever solved at all.
It throws out the same error it normally does when I install windows 7 on a normal device, but as said earlier, how I normally patch it won't work, and I can't figure out how to fix it elsewhere. How do I fix this?
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Should probably also mention that the 7060 has a Core i3-8100, 8gb of ram, and an NVME drive.