PC ,win 7 pro ,activated with just offline Display
Hi, First day on Win Forum ,To be honest, I am a telecom guy / Electrician not a coder or developer , just a hardware modification type .I got an HP Omni 110 AiO for a couple of bucks and figured I would invest about ) and get this albatross running as a back up .Well I always figured I needed to break the passwords and reinstall 7 upgrade to 10 ,bang done . Well after some brick walls later I find no hard drive and little memory. i got SSD 256 gig and 8 gig of DDR 3mem .used a Sys recovery Boot disk. Well at that i used the attached product Key and after fighting M/S got it activated .Well after some work got Wi/feFi working but no display except for the off line stuff internet/ particularly "Internet Explorer" keeps a banner saying "Cannot Display internet Display" ! After running system trouble shooter , with no result, I have settled to wait for a 2 week wait for a reinstall fresh disk that hopefully has a Autorun. Dll file is not corrupted or whatever M/S calls their f ups . Any insight to this would be so helpful .Thankx Marky007