How to delete Win 7 and install XP

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  1. zay
    Posts : 507
    Windows 7 Ultimate

    Hey Ned, please post your specs, maybe we can help with the virual memory issue. What you can do for starters to try and address the virtual memory issue is to look at what is allocated to page file, and how it is managed. To do that right click on the computer icon, select properties, then advanced system settings, click on the advanced tab, then click on the settings button inthe performance section and then click on the advanced tab. Click the change button to see how it is managed. Please post what the amount of memory is allocated, and if it is set to custom or managed by windows. Even though your laptop is new, it may have a flaw in the settings on the amount of memory allocated to the page file in relation to amount of actual memory. I also concur on giving Win7 a try, I can understand you liking OE, but you might like Mail, here is link that talks about OE alternatives. If after all this you still want to go back to XP, I will personally help you accomplish that.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 4,466
    Windows 10 Education 64 bit

    OldNed said:
    Win 7 blocks XP.
    I'm guessing you booted up into windows 7 and then tried to install XP. What you want to do is boot from the XP CD and install from there. You may have to go into your BIOS and change the boot order so your optical drive is first. During the XP install you will have the option of deleting partitions, creating new ones, and formating your hard drive, that will remove windows 7. It will also delete all your files so if you have anything you want to save on that PC back it up to external media before you start.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 6
    windows 7
    Thread Starter

    Thanks guys. I will persevere with 7. What is compatibility mode? You advise I make sure it was running as administrator. What is this?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 11,840
    64-bit Windows 8.1 Pro
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 140
    7 Pro 64 Bit

    When you install a program, you can right click on the executable file, left click on properties...and you'll see a compatibility tab like so.

      My Computer

  6. Posts : 6
    windows 7
    Thread Starter

    hi Oldned, have you tried installing photoshop elements in compatibility mode? did you make sure it was running as administrator?

    I'm afraid I don't understand either of these Modes
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 5,440
    Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit 7601 Multiprocessor Free Service Pack 1

    severedsolo said:
    hi Oldned, have you tried installing photoshop elements in compatibility mode? did you make sure it was running as administrator? i have only ever had 1 program which failed to work after applying these 2 settings, and that was because it was a 16 bit program, which my 64 bit doesnt support
    Hi Martin
    I don't think OldNed is having trouble installing Elements. I think he can't get it to download. I use Elements 6 and that installed fine on Win 7 64bit so a later version which I guess is what OldNed is trying to download will install fine. Others are helping him with the memory issue so that problem should be solved shortly.

    I'm delighted that you are giving it another go. I'm sure you wont regret it. just keep posting here whenever you get a problem however small it may seem it is still a problem so someone here will help.
      My Computer

  8. zay
    Posts : 507
    Windows 7 Ultimate

    Glad you decided to give it a try. Compatibility mode allows legacy programs to run on win7. For me I use it two ways, before I install the app, I right click it, select properties, and set the compatibility mode for whatever previous OS I want, (that may not have any effect, but it gives me piece of mind, lol). Once the app is installed, I set it to compatibility mode again by right clicking the icon of the app, and setting the mode. Run as Admin, allows apps to run at an elevated level of authority.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 3,427
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    mitchell65 said:
    severedsolo said:
    hi Oldned, have you tried installing photoshop elements in compatibility mode? did you make sure it was running as administrator? i have only ever had 1 program which failed to work after applying these 2 settings, and that was because it was a 16 bit program, which my 64 bit doesnt support
    Hi Martin
    I don't think OldNed is having trouble installing Elements. I think he can't get it to download. I use Elements 6 and that installed fine on Win 7 64bit so a later version which I guess is what OldNed is trying to download will install fine. Others are helping him with the memory issue so that problem should be solved shortly.
    sorry Oldned i misread your post
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 1,170
    XP Pro SP3 X86 / Win7 Pro X86

    OldNed said:
    I have a new laptop factory installed with Win 7. I cannot get on with this system and want to delete Win 7 completely and install XP from a disc. Can anyone help me please?
    Ok... I'll break ranks...

    If you REALLY want to remove Win 7 here's how to do it...

    Fair warning... If you do this Win7 is gone and it's not coming back unless you buy a copy and install it yourself.

    First, before you do anything else... go into win7's device manager (in control panel) and write down the model numbers of all your devices... You're going to need to find XP drivers for at least your Video, Audio, and Network before proceeding...

    OK, once you've downloaded the drivers and have them on a CD...

    Reboot your machine.

    Now... this is the tricky part...
    As soon as you either hear the BIOS beep or at the very first flash of information on the screen you will need to press one of ... DEL, F2 or F10 (it varies from machine to machine)... the goal is to enter your BIOS settings. In the BIOS search around and find the settings for your drive controllers... This will usually be in your Chipset or South Bridge settings panel. It will probably be set to SATA or AHCI... You will need to swith this to "Compatibility", "Legacy" or "IDE" mode (the name varies from BIOS to BIOS)... This because XP does not natively support SATA AHCI mode.

    NOTE: This setting will "break" windows 7... so don't let it boot into 7 unless you put it back where it was!

    Now put your windows XP installer disk in your CD drive...

    Save your BIOS settings (usually with F10 but the BIOS help will direct you). This is going to cause a reboot...

    This time around you want to press one of Insert, F8, F11 or F12 (Which one depends on the machine)... You are looking for a list of drives so you can select which you want to boot from... Select your CD Drive.

    You will get a prompt... "Press any key to boot from CD..." at which point you should press your space bar.

    The next thing you will see is the XP installer's first screens... let them go by until you get to the screen showing you a list of drive partitions...

    Now this is crucial... You must DELETE ALL PARTITIONS from the drive. Read the screens... they will tell you how.

    Now follow the screen directions and create your XP partitions and format the first one, only, using NTFS... A "quick format" is acceptable.

    When the format finishes, select that partition and tell XP to install on that partition...

    From there just follow the installer prompts and it will install XP on your system.

    Once the XP install completes, you will need to deal with the drivers you downloaded and begin setting up your system and software...

    Or... alternatively... you could just learn about Win7 and go from there....
      My Computer

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