Dual Operating Systems (En 7 & Chinese XP)

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 (English) and XP (Chinese)

    Dual Operating Systems (En 7 & Chinese XP)

    I installed the Chinese version of XP on drive F. I then installed the English version of Windows 7 on drive C:. My problem is that I cannot get the Chinese XP system to boot.
    At first I thought it simply gave me no time to choose which system so I managed to assign a 10 second timeout. I also renamed "old version of windows" to "XP Chinese version" and I changed the device of ntldr to F: as it said C: before. I tried to have it default to xp and list it first as an option (which never shows on bootup). Nothing works. When I turn on the computer it simply goes to Windows 7 without giving me any say in the matter.
    I have attached a copy of BCDEdit. I have made some changes that seemed right from what I have read. It feels like everything should work, but clearly I have done something wrong. Is it because of the different languages? Any help would be most appreciated. I am in China and I need an old chinese system to do on-line banking but otherwise I want everyone using the english version of 7.

    Cheers and thanks in advance.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Dual Operating Systems (En 7 & Chinese XP)-bcdedit.png  
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,641
    Dual-boot: Windows 7 HP 32-bit SP1 & Windows XP Pro 32-bit SP2.

    Are you sure that you selected the right drive when you installed it.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1
    Windows 7

    i think you must confirm have two main Hard disk partition .one for xp .another for win7.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 (English) and XP (Chinese)
    Thread Starter

    Yes, I did partition my drives correctly. In fact I did pretty much everything right except enough research. I discovered that this is a somewhat common problem though I could not find any good explanation. This is how I fixed it, albeit admittedly a shot in the dark.
    I installed EasyBCD, a "by donation" utility by NeoSmart Technologies. It had an option that would force XP to work again, and I chose this option. It seems to have deleted the hidden files ntldr, bootmgr and boot.ini (not sure of these names). It worked. XP loaded, but I could not load 7. I then reinstalled 7 from the installation disk and voila, everything worked. In fact it added an entry to install Windows. I went back to BCDEdit and made a few changes such as descriptions, display orders and timeouts and I am now in business.
    Good luck to anyone reading this post with a similar problem.
    Last edited by madmanaenewman; 21 Apr 2010 at 01:41.
      My Computer


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