Bad installation media I think

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  1. Posts : 605
    W7 Ultimate

    Bad installation media I think

    Remember me? I'm the one with the pirated W7 Ultimate. I finally bought a genuine W7 Ultimate disk from Newegg for the tune of $310. Still working with MasterCard to get my money back. It looks favorable.

    When I went to do a clean install the auto-boot worked but it hung up with a blue screen prior to the selection box that has 2 choices 1. Check Compatibility and 2. Install now. Because I still had the WXP OS in I was able to open the disk using Windows Explorer. Once open I clicked on "intro,info or something like that". I then got the installation box, answered the appropriate questions and the installation started. It progressed for about 30 seconds and then the install box re-appeared, clicked on install and the installation continued. About 30 seconds later the install box appeared again,did the usual. This went on about 50 times, each time installing a bit more. Finally the installation continued without the box appearing. Finished installing and I began to add my programs to it. Tried to add XP Mode. The first download/install went OK. The second installation of an update failed. Tried it several times with the same result.
    I sent an email to Newegg asking for a replacement because I felt the media was faulty. They recommended that I call MSFT. I will tomorrow.
    I created a repair disk using the W7 system. After creation I tried booting from it. It behaved the same way as the installation disk. That is it booted to a blue screen and would go no further. Now that I have W7 installed I am no longer able to use Windows Explorer to open the disk. Even trying it leaves the WE inoperable.
    I hope that MSFT is more helpful than Newegg. If not I will do a format using fdisk to be sure the HHD is clean and try the installation disk again. I have about exhausted my knowledge. Anybody else with further suggestions?
      My Computer

  2.    #2

    I doubt it is the media if a repair disk stalls the exact same way.

    More likely hardware problem or BIOS setting, but use your MS Tech Support included to get full support.

    Also try removing all but 2gb of RAM, reseat your RAM, swap your RAM sticks. Test your RAM for at least 6 passes with memtest86 CD.

    Next test your HD with maker's diag/repair full CD scan: Hard Drive Diagnostics Tools and Utilities (Storage) - TACKtech Corp.

    Do you have the latest BIOS version update from the computer or mobo maker's Support Downloads webpage for your model?

    Reset the CMOS in BIOS: Clear CMOS - 3 Ways to Clear the CMOS - Reset BIOS

    Check the SATA controller setting in BIOS. Try AHCI first, then IDE if necessary.

    Extract the ISO from DVD using ImgBurn to write to USB flash drive for install: USB Windows 7 Installation Key Drive - Create
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 605
    W7 Ultimate
    Thread Starter

    I did an all night memory test it was OK.
    Did the HDD test. It was OK.
    Investigating with Asus about a bios update.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 605
    W7 Ultimate
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    I ordered a 4GBflash drive. So will try that when it arrives.
    Just tried setting configuration to AHCI and the computer would not boot.
    The CMOS fix I haven't done yet. My computer doesn't allow me to do step one so for step two or three I need help from my neighbor because the computer is in a cabinet and I am disabled.
    Before I set CMOS to default I guess I should write down its settings so I can get back to the original CMOS. What are they. I know the date and time but what else?
      My Computer

  5.    #5

    Blockie, that is referring to special BIOS settings you may have made relating to your hardware or other BIOS configurations. So if you haven't made any (other than perhaps setting DVD drive to boot first) then no worries.

    When you say the computer won't boot with SATA controller set to AHCI, you are referring to remaining XP OS, right? If so, try booting the WIn7 DVD with it set to AHCI temporarily as it might help.

    if indeed you still have XP running, have you tried running the Win7 DVD from XP again? Worth a shot.

    Remove the formatting from the partition you made for Win7 in XP disk Mangement, then use the Win7 DVD to Create and Format the partition since Win7 has a slightly different partition table.
    Last edited by gregrocker; 18 May 2010 at 10:18.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 605
    W7 Ultimate
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    As a matter of fact the only way I can get the W7 install to even work was in XP. Even then the disk would auto run until the "blue screen" displayed and then hang. I had to use WE to open the disk and click on "intro.exe". The first post describes the trouble I had in XP. Once in W7 I could not use WE as it would become inoperable. I'm presently talking to Asuis support to find out if there was someway to set the bios to boot from a USB port. At this time the choice is not available,
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 5,056
    Windows 7 x64 pro/ Windows 7 x86 Pro/ XP SP3 x86

    Hi Blockie,

    You seem to be terribly unlucky in the matter of install disks!

    In any case, while you are waiting, try installing win7 from your hdd. Follow the steps in this tutorial.

    Install Windows 7 or Windows Vista on a Pc Without DVD Media - Tips & Tweaks

    Actually, you can just download a win7 Ultimate disk from the web and use it with the Newegg product key.

    If all this stuff doesnt work, then the problem is not with the media.
      My Computer

  8.    #8

    In some cases, it is only after you plug in a bootable USB installer that it will show up on the one-time Boot Menu (use Fkey given on first boot screen), often as a HD.

    Sometimes it will not show up in BIOS boot-order menu, and rarely will it show up if it is not connected.

    Are you able to find a BIOS update for your model that will run from XP? This is a safer method than flashing BIOS from CD or stick.
    Last edited by gregrocker; 18 May 2010 at 10:42.
      My Computer

  9.    #9

    Bill2 said:
    In any case, while you are waiting, try installing win7 from your hdd. Follow the steps in this tutorial.
    Install Windows 7 or Windows Vista on a Pc Without DVD Media - Tips & Tweaks

    12. On the next screen, user will be presented with option to Install Windows. DO NOT press on Install Windows button, instead, click on Repair My Computer link on the bottom left corner.
    13. In the Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE) System Recovery Options dialog window, click on Command Prompt to open a DOS Prompt window.
    14. Run the format command to format the primary hard disk or partition to clean state:

    format c: /q

    Wow. Have never seen the step before where one can format the HD by accessing the Repair console Command Line when installing from HD.

    How exactly can it format the HD which it is using to install from? I know WinPE is loaded into Memory, but the whole installer? If so, I wonder why we can't format from installer when it is run from OS? Or, if this is true, maybe we can?[/QUOTE]
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 605
    W7 Ultimate
    Thread Starter

    For Bill2,
    Show a URL for the W7 download please. Another thing is that I have another internal HHD that I use for backups. Can I download to there and install?

    For gregrocker,
    The people at Azus tell me that I don't need an upgrade to the bios for W7. I'm having trouble getting ImgBurn to work so have not been able to extract from the installation disk. I'll look for another program. Incidentally, MSFT wants me top send the installation disks back for a refund. I guess they don't want to bother with troubleshooting. Doesn't blame them. I'll make the image or download like Bill2 suggested and keep working with this.
      My Computer

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