How to get installation media?

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 7

    How to get installation media?

    Hi, I've got an HP Pavilion laptop that came with Windows 7 installed as a Vista upgrade.

    I'd like to blow it away, repartition the disk for dual boot with Linux, and do a clean install of Windows 7.

    The only problem (I think) is that I don't have the installation media. I've searched online to see if I can download it. As I understand it, the license I have should allow me to do a clean install, but as far as I can see, I can only download the iso if I pay for another license.
      My Computer

  2.    #2

    The best method is to borrow DVD from a friend, then use the ei.cfg removal tool to unlock all versions in a copy you can keep: Ei.cfg Removal Utility Lets You Use Any Product Key With Your Windows 7 Disc

    Then use your Product Key from COA sticker to activate, possibly requiring a robocall to MS.

    Safe, cautious downloading is also a possibility but not promoted here since it might encourage piracy.

    Suggest you make your Recovery Disks and then wipe your HD before install to get rid of hidden partitions which only house Recovery and HP functions which will be disabled by clean reinstall.

    The installer is mostly driver-complete, with newer arriving quickly via WIndows Updates. Find any missing drivers or favorite apps on the HP Support Downloads webpage for your model, or extract any apps you want from your HP Recov Disks using this:
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    Windows 7
    Thread Starter

    Thanks so much!

    I did mean that I want to do this legally, and I know I've downloaded other Windows OS files in the past... although that was at work, so maybe downloading was part of our license.
      My Computer

  4.    #4

    Having a factory OEM WIn7 license is what makes it legal.

    What you have to do to get your own clean-copy Win7 installer is your business.

    What stands in the way is corporate interference with having our Win7 installs as clean as we want them, because the factory-installed sponsors' bloatware provides most of their profit margin so they tend to enforce the bloatware to protect that margin.
      My Computer


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